Pavlova cake | POBphotocontest: Food

in Proof of Brainlast year (edited)

Hello everyone, for the #POBPhotocontest I want to share with you a short story that led to today's post.

My wife knows what I like best. And when it comes to desserts, it's definitely Pavlova cake. Pavlova cake is a light and refreshing dessert made from a meringue base that is crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside. The meringue is usually shaped into a round cake and baked at a low temperature. Once the meringue is baked, it is topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit such as strawberries or raspberries.

This time she added cocoa to the meringue and made a chocolate version of Pavlova cake. She topped it with fresh whipped cream, and added delicious raspberries. To finish, she drizzled the cake with small pieces of dark chocolate. Yummy.

The surprise and the dessert were perfect. All I could do, apart from eating the cake 😋, was to grab my phone and take some photos to immortalise this moment.


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That cake looks absolutely delicious!!!!!

Thanks, it was really super yummy 😋

Hmm... jaz bi tudi! 😋

Naslednjič 😉

Very yummy and delicious looking

Thanks @roky, it really was 😋