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RE: POB TALK 03/09/2021 - #97

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I was working on a video for next week's fifth grade class and I want to write a short book this weekend. My kids are also waiting for me. It's been four days of rain and today is sunny and clear. I left work early and now I'm on the train :)

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Wow that is good, you really have alot to do this weekend and next week, your kid have miss you and too have miss them, it also raining here since on first on this month till now. Safe trip and good luck for he short book.

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Rain they say brings blessings, take it as an act of good coming. I know the book is gonna be great cause u are a terrific writer. Best of luck.

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Yes ooh! Rain is from the almighty which is the sign of blessing from him,so I pray today may the blessing of him touch each and everyone of us In this great community.

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I also share the same believe as you. The abundance is also a good one for farmers and it spells a time for their crops to yield good increase. So let it be according to your prayers and wish you the same

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Amen and you too thank for the prayer.

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You are welcome boss.

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In fact I'm always feel so excited when ever I saw it comes to the raining season ... Nice prayer from you

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That's very impressive. Good luck for your short book 😊👍

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How much !PIZZA do I have left. It's cool how when Hive goes up all this tokens take some time to follow. The book thing is funny. I wrote the first one a year and a half ago and now it looks like a good time for a series.

@vikbuddy! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mineopoly.

Did you know you can earn $VFT through the PIZZA farm? (6/10)

4 more left in the oven.

Boss I never see my pizza ooh

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I need to get your order straight.

I ask you what toppings you want on your !PIZZA.

When I ask you what toppings you say something like:

"I like cheese and peperoni."

Then you have pizza. If not then it just sounds like you are asking for pizza and I'm not made out of dough.
I'm giving you one more chance. If you don't tell me what toppings you want on your pizza then I can't give any more pizza.

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@profdanzy! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @mineopoly.

Did you know Pizzabot in Discord has a bunch of useful commands? (9/10)