
Sounds like people with some stake have downvoted the account a ton. Clearly the nah sayers, have more stake than the supporters. That is how proof of stake works, even if the stake was created via proof of brain, or is literally POB.
Think of this as real life. If proof of brain was a person, they might have behaved in a way that made people not like them, or just not understand them. Now everyone as a crowd reacts to this, and the issue is amplified. We tell kids not to bully, and yet it's still a thing that happens. So what can be done?
Well even tho little POB person might not have intended anything bad, or even any bad they did do was due to a misunderstanding, they are not going to solve it by simply complaining about it, and demanding someone fix it for them. That's how we got government involved in our personal lives in the first place, and why decentralization is a movement right now! So POB has to face the music that the world is still not perfect, and it's on them to learn how to correct their image by communicating better!
The people who learn how to express themselves, rather than simply conforming to the world, usually end up becoming the most influential people out there as a result! So the point is that POB started as a great idea, but there have been challenges, and there always will be more! How they are handled are actually opportunities to bring POB to the next level, but just complaining that someone doesn't like POB, doesn't make anyone want to like POB. It looks bad for both sides! So lets turn this ugly mess, into a positive conversation, where we all work on listening to each other, and actually trying to understand where the other side is coming from.

VERY GOOD idea…. from what I just read the POB guy unmuted the HIVE guy many months ago… yet nothing can be done on HIVE about making the POB guy visible. ??? Seems weird to me.

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If you think about how someone could abuse the Hive system, and how we do have to have some means of community control, then it makes sense. If you've even heard Ian off the Tim Cast podcasts talk about his work on Medium, you'll heard him say how it changed his mind on censorship.
Lets say someone wanted create a reason why the government should take us out, so they try to spam child porn all over our platform. We'd want to be able to at least hide that! Can that system be misused, and or abused? You bet it can! But so far the positive effects outweigh the bad, so it's up to us to learn how to navigate through the current system.
Just keep upvoting POB and he'll be visible again soon. The more good POB does, the more they work with everyone rather than assuming we'll all against him the easier it will be for lots of people to want to give POB more likes.
If you believe in POB, think of this as a transitional moment for the project, and a opportunity to buy the token at floor prices! Also Hive Power helps on the Hive side of things. It's basically putting your money where your mouth is, but you actually can profit from it!
I know i am still staking most of my POB, and haven't powered down any.