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RE: Could the blockchain help you to be a better person?

While I agree wholeheartedly about the opportunity that blockchain offers, it does not free us from judgement, it only frees us from the threat of people interfering with our online transactions. If anything, the open and immutable nature of the blockchain means that ANYONE can browse through our blockchain history, looking for evidence to use in their judgement. We can't take back what we say and do here, so you should make sure that what you do and say here can't be used against you.

Being judged is just a part of being alive. You can't stop people from judging you however they wish, nor can they can force you to see them the way they wish. The intellectual freedom to judge others is one of the few freedoms that can't be taken away.

Accepting people for who they are means accepting their poor judgement as well.


i know what you men... However, I also believe that we should not fear the judgment of others and should accept people for who they are, including their ability to judge. At the end of the day, we cannot control what others think and we must not let fear of judgment stop us from acting with integrity and honesty in our personal and professional lives.

Rather than completely avoid judgment, I think we should try to be aware of how our actions and words may be perceived by others and work to improve our communication and behavior accordingly. This will allow us to be more effective in our communication and relationships, both online and offline.