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RE: Military married to the Police many agendas can coincide?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It isn't just the Hive, it's the whole world. The VAST MAJORITY of people are happy to go along with the agenda, as long as the refrigerator is full and there's something on TV.

If you want to 'make it' as a writer, you either have to write for that VAST MAJORITY of people, or you have to put a lot of time into finding your audience.

I didn't read your whole fiction piece, because the editing was horrible. That might be why it was downvoted. If you had labeled it as 'poetry', people would have fewer expectations of the grammar. I was wondering if it was supposed to be a part of the story... your punctution and grammar are much better in your comments. If the 'mistakes' in your story were intentional, that didn't come across very well.

That last paragraph was constructive criticism. I don't know how upset you got before your comments at the bottom of your fiction story, but if you want a career in writing, which is essentially entertainment, you either need to make that anger a part of your 'persona', or get it in check. The people who can move your career forward, publishers and audience alike, will have little tolerance for it.

They do indeed want word salad. If you want to succeed in their world, feed it to them. If you want to succeed on YOUR terms, be prepared for a long, slow, frustrating, draining road to success. I've known very few people who found success by running against the grain, and even fewer who enjoyed it.


Thanks , finally a comment i can work with ,and indeed i wrote it in some sage style poetic form , and yes i should have pointed this out better . Thought calling it raw would do it . The downvotes came from other comment's totally unrelated to it , i made on other places . No anger over not being successful , i am learning , i know nothing , the coin is not my goal . To me it's learning how to communicate true creative expression's . A DV with no feedback , is so frustrating for me ,.. could have put some pictures in to . ;-)

I had noticed that you called the piece 'raw' fiction,so I wasn't expecting a real polished piece, but I wasn't expecting something so raw that it would be difficult to read. Trying to meet (or manage) people's expectations is always going be difficult.

I had a few early downvotes without explanation that were likewise puzzling, it turned out be someone who was automatically downvoting EVERY upvote from someone else, it had nothing at all to do with my content. Try not to let downvotes get in your head, especially if you're not here to chase the coin. Keep improving your work and putting it out there, eventually your audience will find you.

I've seen a few writing-oriented communities around here, though the only one I can remember right now is The Ink Well. One of them has weekly free-write contests, any of them would probably get you noticed more if you're going to post without pictures. I've been getting some love in the Rant, Complain, Talk community with word-only posts. Not a lot of rewards, but there are many people in that community who will take the time to READ.

I'm guessing that some of the problems I'm seeing in your work are because English is not your first language. If you ever want someone to do some free editing for you, let me know.

Thks for the advice and offer . learned some . :-)


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