Civil religion and national destiny

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Karl Marx sees religion as 'Opium of the Masses, Mouth of the Mouth less; Soul of the Soulless, some define religion as basis for Eschatological reality. Religion has existed in all human society from early times. Although belief system and traditions of worship differ from culture to culture,they also have many common elements.In all cultures, human beings make a practice of interacting with what are taken to be spiritual powers. These powers may be in the form of gods, spirits, ancestors,or any kind of sacred reality with which human believe themselves to be connected but for this purpose, Religion is Technology of Living according to Toni Cade Bambara (1939-1995). The national destiny of Nigeria cannot be managed by Islam and Christianity (unprocessed) with keen and cut throat competition,and fatally claiming monopoly of spiritual reality, preaching that the surest way to eternal reality belongs exclusively to each of them. Contextually, religion in Nigeria used to be bane of moral upgrade in youths and adults, but today,it is an agent of fear, ritual,bad character, and agent of political hostility, tribal and ethnic nationalism,feudal mobilization. In 1985, there was this national solidarity against De Clark of South Africa, about racism against black nations, especially the Nelson Mandela imprisonment for 29 years,in School then,at the upper most part of the chalk board, this was written boldly 'APATHEID IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY' early in the morning after singing of our national anthem you must recite this words three times, during that period, because of our age,it has no meaning to our understanding but as we were growing up, the efficacy of the poem has sinker into our sub consciousness. There is a need to institute Utilization commission in religious plurality of Nigeria, to be named RELIGIOUS AFFAIR COMMISSION, with a DG. We are of a very strong conviction that our ethnic and religious plurality could be a blessing if we'll managed and given right approach and placement in our daily and political life. Many Christian can not phantom roles bible placed in them about moral and community development obligation, but weekly sermon of pastors they can never forget, while in the case of Islam, it is a worse, for those who could read Quran hardly could interpret what they memorise when young, those who know meaning are using it for their selfish ends, that is why both Alfas and Pastors are determinant factor in our political culture, attitude and orientation among members of our society, they influence many things in our daily life, both in peace and war propagation.