Our Pick - Reading Suggestions for June 20th

in Proof of Brainlast year (edited)

The OurPick encouragement program is part of the @Liotes ecosystem where quality posts are curated and authors are encouraged to continue with the content creation adding value to specific communities, and Hive in general...

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Occasionally, we will pick a couple of awesome posts that we find interesting and will suggest them for your further reading... We hope that it will help authors as an additional promotion... We support creators with our upvotes in Hive, but also in other tribe tokens! These Hive-Engine tribes give additional value to the whole ecosystem and help authors and curators to follow their niches and dreams...

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Want a tour to Europe by @les90


That's a great goal! I had something similar in my mind, but as I live in Europe, I had a similar goal, to visit North and South America for a month! Now, that the next HiveFest is scheduled for September in Mexico, it is the best possible "excuse" to do the tour... at least, take a sneak peek... :)
Great to hear that you are working on your goal, that's already a huge advantage! You can do it!

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A few pints out in Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon by @hoosie


They look like a couple of great places to visit for a cheeky pint!

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Updates Of My Maizes & Beans Gardens: Checking On The Maturation Stage If They Are Ready For Harvesting by @jude9


Those corns are looking great and I bet that they were tasty when you cooked them! It's a pity that birds have their feast in your garden, but they have to eat something too... And it's good to see that they didn't make too big damage...

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Why NFT Games Fail: Beyond the Hype by @jacksonizer


I totally agree with your assessment about blockchain games. The problem is often that these games are totally unbalanced. Meaning, the more you invest, the bigger your chances to earn something. This gives a big advantage to early adapters which in turn is counter-productive for long-term growth. You see the long-term players accumulating assets that allow them to be stronger than you. For a blockchain game to be really successful the investment should interfere with your capacity to earn. Or in other words, investments shouldn't give you an edge over people who haven't invested. Great post!

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If you want to help in project growth, you can delegate HivePower to the @liotes.voter account that upvotes quality posts on Hive. All delegators receive daily returns paid in LEN tokens for their support! The current APR is around 10.50%, which is more than you can earn by individual curation!

You can also use these predefined links to delegate HP using Hivesigner:

Thanks to donations of @melinda010100 and @good-karma, we will reward authors with additional 50 Ecency POINTS!

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Ourpick curators: @achim03, @ph1102, and @mypathtofire!


Ecency points rewards are sent out! Thanks for creating awesome content!


Thanks a Lot for the Mention

You are welcome! Keep building!

Thanks a lot for featuring my post. My pleasure 😁

You are welcome! Nice garden update!

Thanks for pick up my post @ph1102 really it's a surprise for me which brings smile on my face 🤩

You are welcome! It's always a pleasure reading your posts!

Many thanks for the support - its appreciated !

How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
You use a pumpkin patch.

Credit: reddit
@ourpick, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @hoosie



You are welcome! Keep creating great posts!

!BBH 👍

@ourpick! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hivecurious. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

@ourpick! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @hivecurious. (6/20)


$PIZZA slices delivered:
jacksonizer tipped ourpick
@hoosie(1/15) tipped @ourpick