Our Pick - Reading Suggestions for November 17th

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

The OurPick encouragement program is the part of the @Liotes ecosystem where quality posts are curated and authors are encouraged to continue with the content creation adding value to specific communities, and Hive in general...

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Occasionally, we will pick a couple of awesome posts that we find interesting and will suggest them for your further reading... We hope that it will help authors as an additional promotion... We support creators with our upvotes in Hive, but also in other tribe tokens! These Hive-Engine tribes give additional value to the whole ecosystem and help authors and curators to follow their niches and dreams...

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What the Total Crypto Market chart tells us... by @toofasteddie


I know that people would like to see all these graphs go up all the time, but that's just impossible... Every new ATH needs a reaction or better said correction...
Nice TA! Good work!

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With 8 days left, there are still a lot of things to be defined until the finish line :-). Great post!

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Portrait Of Kevin Hart With Pallete Knife (Enamel paint on Canvas) by @anissignature


That's a fantastic portrait of the comedy legend, Kevin Hart! Like his movies a lot and like your painting!
You have some nice artwork in other posts...
Thanks for sharing your progress, too!

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Google Local Guides - Greedy Google? by @cryptoinvader


Google is definitely greedy and it was from the beginning... I remember the times when Google Adsense was paying over 70% of earnings to website owners from ads... Now, if that percentage is over 20% it's a miracle... Anyways, you are providing free work to them and growing their platform and earnings...
Imagine something like that on a blockchain? Rewards people like you for their contributions and help to local businesses? I hope that someone will do it and take that piece of the pie from Google... ;)

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Thanks for promoting my post. I won't hesitate to do my best always.

You are welcome! Keep on creating beautiful artwork!


I'm discovering a lot by checking the posts you curate. Tonight I found out about a resource called Pinmapple by checking the comments under the post by @cryptoinvader - it could be a nice Hive-backed alternative to Google Local Guides. I promptly put it to work on my post about the A-Bomb Dome. Thanks!

You never know, when you might discover something good for yourself.

Thank you for your support, David! Appreciated!


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Thanks for the promotion. That Kevin Hart painting is amazing. Cheers!

You are welcome! Good luck in Splinterlands!! :)


Thanks a bunch.


Posted via MusicForLife.io

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ph1102 tipped anissignature (x1)
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