Our Pick - Reading Suggestions for November 7th

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

The OurPick encouragement program is the part of the @Liotes ecosystem where quality posts are curated and authors are encouraged to continue with the content creation adding value to specific communities, and Hive in general...

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Created in Canva.com

Occasionally, we will pick a couple of awesome posts that we find interesting and will suggest them for your further reading... We hope that it will help authors as an additional promotion... We support creators with our upvotes in Hive, but also in other tribe tokens! These Hive-Engine tribes give additional value to the whole ecosystem and help authors and curators to follow their niches and dreams...

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Some Shots of the Pride March in Buenos Aires [ENG/ESP] by @dimascastillo90


Great captures, indeed! One of my favorite photos is photos of people... It's great to "catch the moments" and you did it great!

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It really looks simple at the first sight, but it made you so much pain to create those letters! It's amazing what is possible to do with a bit of creativity...
Great job, the cake looks awesome!

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Ecency - Speak Network wallet is a great addition to this Hive blockchain interface by @behiver


It's great to see that Ecency took the initiative and implemented the Speak Network wallet to their frontend first! So much easier to do things when we have them in one place!

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Strategy beats level | The danger of becoming predictable by @fenkimun


Playing Splinterlands is a constant learning process. I have been playing the game for many years and I still make some stupid mistakes. Also when new cards are added to the deck they need to be taken into consideration. There is not one team that beats them all and I believe that's why Splinterlands remains so fun to play :-). Great post!

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If you want to help in project growth, you can delegate HivePower to the @liotes.voter account that upvotes quality posts on Hive. All delegators receive daily returns paid in LEN tokens for their support! Current APR is around 10.50%, which is more than you can earn by individual curation!

You can also use these predefined links to delegate HP using Hivesigner:

Thanks to donation of @melinda010100 and @good-karma, we will rewards authors with additional 25 POINTS on Ecency app!

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @mypathtofire ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Ecency points rewards are sent out! Thanks for creating awesome content!


Great selection guys! Keep up the good work.

Thank you! We will!

Hi! Thanks a lot for your support. I really apreciate it!😊👍🏻🎂

You are welcome! Keep creating great content!

nice one