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RE: How to embarrass psychological weaklings out of their cowardice...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Some of the same people who want you/I to believe that they are for free speech, anti-authoritarianism, anti-flagging, pro freedom, anti-force etc etc etc, are voting for the same witnesses that are doing the exact opposite. They are also either directly engaging in those activities themselves, or through proxies to hide their trails - aka "useful idiots".

It's pathetic, and nothing will ever change. They have all carved out their own virtual blockchain nations like a bunch of mobsters.

Even freedom movements can be sheep herded into doing the dirty work of two-faced power seekers. Unfortunate, but true. They will even go as far as becoming a caricature of their own philosophies to justify the mental gymnastics required to be in denial of it all. But that doesnt matter when you hold the power. Anyone opposing their oligarchical rule, will be silenced or dealt with in various ways. Its not hard to get people on board with a program, by bribing them with "rewards", either.

Thats only a very small part of what Im referring to. There is a whole other part to this, which I have personally experienced and been on the receiving end for almost 3 years now. The protection rackets are real, and so is the thug tactics that go along with it.

I know I am being extremely vague here, but thats how this party works.

The hive clown world, is no different to the real clown world - just different masks and faces.