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RE: Racism on PeakD

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I see @asgarth already educated that we don't do anything and when things started to work for you just an hour or so later that we didn't do anything sounds like a glitch and it wasn't even a glitch with it was likely with the login software you have chosen or the API nodes

... On HIVE and you have TRUE OWNERSHIP of your own content, your own connections and most importantly for this discussion you control you OWN LOGIN.

You have 3 options of software to use when you login Hive Keychain, PeakLock and HiveSigner all 3 were created by different people/groups ... this is where you keep your keys so that they don't have to go anywhere on the internet and the software holds the keys on your computer and the software does ALL transactions for you.

This is an important technical distinction that I think should be understood then you'll look at this entire situation differently.
PeakD does not do ANY transactions for you on the blockchain (except if you want to schedule a post) YOU do the transactions yourself with the software you have chosen. It is COMPLETELY different than old fashion social media or websites. There is no login password there is a key that proves and provides true ownership. There is no need to know who anyone is or for the chain or even us to care who anyone is ... we're just a tool... like a hammer. Which can build a house or tear it down but the tool is in your hands.

It sounds like the software you chose to login with failed you. I'm guessing probably hivesigner as the other 2 are not known to have any issues. Or perhaps it was the NODES (which are servers that are ran by a bunch of random users all around the world) when YOU do a transaction on the blockchain it goes through those NODE-servers and if one of them has an issue then it's best to change the node to another one or wait for that server to stop having issues. You get to choose and that can be complicated because people aren't used to having choice and that responsibility is often too much so we are working on ways to help users who don't want to choose and helping get them on nodes that aren't having issues.

Anyway this is a very technical response but we believe that education is the answer to these issues. When you know that what you have accused of us is not really possible and obviously not what happened then you'll be able to look at this in an entirely different light.