Running a Hive Witness .:. Meet ph1102

in Proof of Brain6 months ago

I was procrastinating this post for a few days/weeks for one simple reason... I don't like to brag... Yes, I do #MyHiveGoals posts once per week, but not for bragging, but more to motivate others to do something similar... As it works and it's helpful... But today, I have to brag, or better said, write about what I'm doing on HIVE, what is my focus, and what my vision, a purpose of doing all this... So, this is like an introduction post, but 4.5 years later... :)

Why am I doing this now when a lot of you already know about me? Well, 2 weeks ago, along with @achim03, I created a Hive Witness node for our project @liotes that we are running together! We have created an official post about it, but as it is a Hive Witness for a project, we found it important to show ourselves personally, that people can connect the project with "faces", so here we are... Before voting for a Hive witness, you should do research on who is behind them and what are their "strong" sides...

Running a Hive Witness.jpg
Created in

Running a node requires some technical skills (not a high level to deploy a node itself, but a higher level to contribute to the blockchain code), I found myself responsible for that part in our small Liotes team... As I was running a hosting business in the past and I had some "heavy traffic" users, I had to deal with setting up dedicated servers for my clients... I started with a small hosting reseller package with Dreamhost (I think that was the name back in 2001-2002), to reach the point when I had my 3 dedicated machines for shared hosting and 7-8 other machines, which I was administrating for clients... In those days, I got my first lessons about SSH, installing scripts on Linux machines, and learning about different Linux distributions and their usage...

One decade after I began hosting, crypto came into my life... Back in 2013, I bought my first Bitcoin at Bitstamp, or to be more exact, I bought it from a friend, paying with cash, and he sent it to my Bitstamp deposit address (don't ask 🤦‍)... As that was my first encounter with such a volatile asset, I panicked and sold my BTC with a loss a few months later... :another palmface emoji:

my first Bitcoin

After my strong decision that I will never come back to crypto, that happened in 2017 when I began with Ethereum mining, investing a few hundred of euros to buy 2-3 GPUs for mining... After a year, the number of GPUs grew to 24, all bought from the profits... Compounding GPUs.. 🙂 I didn't stop on, just mining, and I dived deeper into cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology...

In the next 2-3 years, I have attended a couple of Blockchain conferences that were held in Spain, In some of them I was a "returning" visitor, and I was fascinated by the potential of these things... I remember well about topics that were discussed in 2017 for which there was no implementation in those days, but today, I can recognize some of those ideas coming to the surface!

In early 2019, I found this blockchain and I fell in love with the idea and the community here... I found a great community, made some great connections, and met my friends who are still around... I have attended 1 HiveFest (Amsterdam 2022), both VR HiveFests, and HiveBeecon this year, and probably dozens of small Hive Meetups all over Europe (I hope soon, all over the world 🙂)...

Coming to the chain as an ordinary Splinterlands gamer, I'm currently running a @liotes project with @achim03, where we have 2 Hive-Engine tokens (LEN and LENM), running a manual curation project @Ourpick, and some other initiatives promoting the importance of having Hive Power and educating Hivians about this awesome network! Since 2 months ago, I've been running a show in the Ecency Discord server every Wednesday, where we are talking about things around Hive, again, educating Hivians...

The Philosophy

Along with the hosting business, I was running my Computer Shop(s) for 7-8 years with steady growth over the years... Began with literally an empty shop with 100 empty CDs and a PC components catalog, to running 3 shops in 3 different cities, full of PC equipment, adding also other electronic products like TVs, and mobile phones as our sales products...

The same idea of slow, steady, and healthy growth was implemented in our @liotes project... Without external funding, leaning on our own capabilities, with a focus on healthy tokenomics, hard-working ethics, consistency, scalability, and profit-sharing, we have "survived" a very hard bear market... Not only did we survive, but our tokens were performing well during the bear too, while many other tokens went down 90-95%! The best proof of doing a good job is a community around Liotes which was with us from Day 1, and they are still here... Of course, all that didn't come by accident...

One of the most important things that I like to follow in life is to give my best in everything that I do. Quality was always over quantity in all the businesses that I was running... With my PC shops where the number of clients was growing because of the quality service that they received, through the hosting business where high-earning websites were seeking a reliable service as every second that their website was down, they would lose money... Those people realized that with cheap hosting you get cheap service, and provide a better service, with very low downtime, they knew where to go...

Uptime monitoring for one of my shared hosting machines

If you check the stats from the screenshot above, you will notice the uptime in 2023 of 99.9987%! That number includes maintenance time too! Of course, having tools to check and monitor uptime, and sending an SMS/email when there is an issue helps a lot... But, being available to react and fix the issue ASAP is what differentiates businesses and the people who are running them... I remember a couple of cases of fixing server issues on a train, through a small screen of a mobile phone (from times when phones didn't have a big screen 🙂)...

We are implementing the same philosophy to Liotes and everything that we are doing on Hive... Responsibility for the tokens that we have created, and the same approach toward the sub-projects that we are running...

Dedication and commitment

I'm not sure if I have to write about this at all... If you are following #MyHiveGoals that you can find on my blog, you will notice my dedication and consistency in building my stake, and my voice on the platform... For over 2 years, I've been doing 1K Hive power-up on #HivePUD, and this year, I went one step forward... I have powered up some HIVE every single day of the year! You can check all this on my HiveBuzz website profile page...


This one is huge and probably one of the things that I care about the most... Because of that and the nature of this blockchain, everything is transparent... The same as you can check my Hivebuzz stats, you can check all the rest about anyone on the chain... Many people are not aware of that and sometimes you can catch people saying one thing, but doing something completely different (you can see on the chain)... The best compliment that I got was when someone said "You are not just doing a talk, you are doing the walk too"... That leads us to the next big one...

Lead by example

To be a good Hive Witness, you should lead by example... If you are talking about the importance of Hive Power and you are having 4-5K HP for 4-5 years spent on the chain, then you are selling something that you don't believe in... I can't spread the word of the importance of your OWN HivePower, and the importance of supporting others with your stake, and delegate ALL my HivePower to someone else in the same time... I can't delegate all my HP to a big whale account and promote decentralization of the platform, or complain about the bad distribution of tokens...


From the very beginning of my blockchain journey, from the conferences that I attended, the idea of decentralization was probably the strongest one... IMO, that's the purpose of cryptocurrencies, and if we are not nurturing that, we are doing it wrong... We become part of the problem and not the solution... And believe me, we need solutions for this craziness that happens outside crypto... yes, you read it well, OUTSIDE the crypto... While the crypto world looks like a mess, we are having a much bigger mess in the traditional finances...

Why Hive Witness?

Somehow it was a logical way to continue my Hive journey... After 2 years, I started a project on HIVE, and now, after 4 years, it's time to step forward and contribute to this great chain on a "higher" level... What I found as a problem here is the gap between app developers and "ordinary" Hivians, the gap between those on top and those in the middle/bottom... As being an Orca on HIVE is a kind of being in the middle, it is my duty to be the connection between those two worlds... There is no good app if there are no people to use it and support it... HIVE whales wouldn't be where they are if no new Hivians were creating and building.... and vice versa... There would be no HIVE at all if we didn't have people who were pushing forward, leading the way...

In certain moments this gap is getting bigger and we all have to remind ourselves about our different "tasks" on the chain, about the existence of the other part, the other side... By raising questions, solving problems, spreading ideas, creating bonds, connections, collaborations... As we show by Liotes' example (and our personal accounts) what is possible, I think that we can contribute to different discussions about the way HIVE should go and how it can grow...

I could probably run a lot more about all this, but I'm afraid that nobody will have the patience to read it... 🙂 So, if you have additional questions you can ask them in the comment section...

We will run regular Hive Witness updates on our @liotes account so you can check and follow it if you are interested in how the story goes... 🙂

Don't forget to support the LIOTES Hive Witness here
Or at your favorite frontend

Nice to meet you,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I hope your witness account gets a lot of approvals, I will support what you do.
I haven't been following you for long (only for about 2 weeks), but I really like your views on our blockchain and I think we need more people inspired by you.

Keep up the great work!

Thank you very much for your kind words! It's nice to see others having a similar view of HIVE!

Appreciate the support!

It's great to be on this journey with you man... and

I could probably run a lot more about all this, but I'm afraid that nobody will have the patience to read it...

I read it all ;-)

It is/was a bumpy journey, but it's a lot of fun! Building something new and different is always a challenge and in the end, always a positive experience, despite the bumps on the way... :)

I can attest that you can walk a lot! 😁
I don’t have technical knowledge but these ideas resonate with me. And after knowing you, it’s enough. 🤗

I can attest that you can walk a lot! 😁

Hahaahah... I can walk a lot... When I have to... 😃 Or when my wife forces me to walk...

And after knowing you, it’s enough. 🤗

Thanks a lot! That's something that is most valuable... Will try to attend as many Hive Meetups as possible in the future! It's not that I was avoiding them till now... 😃 It's important to strengthen the bonds between Hivians!

Walking the walk is important, I think a common phrase I hear lately is, don't trust, verify! And onchain we are able to do that. Really great to see you guys running a witness. Keep up the great work.

Thank you very much!

don't trust, verify!

Exactly! Code it into the blockchain and you don't have to trust a person or rely on someone else...

I read the post with interest and now voted for the delegate.

Thanks for checking out the post... I tried to write the short sum up, but I failed to do it... So many things have to be said...

Thanks for the vote! Appreciate it!

I hope it going to be big in next year :) ... I hold my eyes open to see what you do all time ;)

I hope that it will be a big year for numerous reasons! I hope that our dear HIVE will hit some nice numbers and this place becomes busier!!!
Thanks for the support!

Uh .. if we get back this 16 dollar what we was see in steem first bull run ... uh , I am sure we see lot cool things start happen. 😅😅😆👌👌👌👌🍻🍻🍻🎇🎆✨

And Npr ... not stop and make more cool lives. 👌🍻🎉

Running a witness on hive is a great achievement. I hope you will succeed, i have one vote remaining so going to vote for your witness good luck


Thank you very much for your vote!!! Appreciate the support!

@moeenali sent you LUV 🙂 (1/1)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Hehe this is a lengthy post! But I liked your sharing! Seems like my crypto journey has some similarities to you, except that my exposure was much later.

My first exposure during the 2017 bull run when we saw BTC went all the way to 20k. At that time it was difficult to buy/sell because there weren't many platforms around. I tried to sign up with Coinbase, hoping to "gamble" on some BTC, but gave up after all the KYC steps.

Fast forward, I purchased my first BTC and ETH in 2019 after reading from some blogs on how to do it, and there were also more platforms already. And fast forward, here I am, having survived the bear market and have gotten used to the volatility and learnt a lot more about cryptos, and building my Hive account day by day. :)


It is easily recognizable the crypto stories among people and most of us made the same mistakes at the beginning... Some learned, some not... But we did similar steps...

My first exposure during the 2017 bull run when we saw BTC went all the way to 20k.

I know many people that came into crypto at those 17K BTC... 😃

Thanks for sharing your story!

It's funny that so many people said "see I told you it will crash" when BTC crashed all the way down from 20k to 5k or something... Now it's more than 100% return even if someone bought at the peak and held till now. Haha.

Now it's more than 100% return even if someone bought at the peak and held till now

The thing is that most of them sold it when it was going back down... The same as I did in 2013 and sold with a loss :)

@relf87 sent you LUV 🙂 (2/4)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Loved the post. You guys have built progressively, and taken time at every step. The project, then the HE witness, then the curation project. When I saw you started a HE witness, I knew one day you'd want to run a Hive witness too. 😉

Wish you all the best in your new endeavor! It shows you guys are building a community. Lots of voters already and I expect them to grow, but no whale loves you yet, lol.

You guys have built progressively, and taken time at every step.

I think that both of us had the same approach in our businesses... When I was building mine, I was following the same steps... Adding one piece after another, but only when I would "finish" the first level... It's like playing the game until you beat the boss, you don't go to the next stage... 🙂

The general idea from the beginning was a slow and steady growth, no hypes, fomos, or fuds... and tbh, I think that we avoided all those things... Token is doing great, our Liotes project is growing in size and value, and all progression is in "its time"...

The best thing is to see all your guys sticking with us adding a coin over another coin on the top... Only winners here!! 🙂

Lots of voters already and I expect them to grow, but no whale loves you yet, lol.

That's true... Maybe that's the best pointer that we are doing a good job. 😂 Whales don't like Orcas, as they are called "killer whales"... 😃

Thanks for your support!

Nice witness introduction. You got my support 😉

Thank you very much for your kind words!
And for your support!!!

I enjoyed the read and found it very inspirational, I am thinking of giving a witness server a go myself, perhaps in the new year.

Thanks! I'm glad that you liked the post! We definitely need more witnesses, more different ideas and voices are always good!

Have a great Sunday!

I like such posts, brings my attention to the fact I should check out my witness votes every now and than 🤔

Tbh, I didn't pay attention too much to my witness votes either... But, there are a lot of changes happening... Some witnesses stopped their nodes or became inactive completely, and there is no sense in voting for someone who doesn't support the chain at all...
Witness votes need shuffling after a while... :)

I think it's great that you are taking action and it looks like you will be keeping that witness up without any issues. I already gave the witness my vote earlier when you had the liotes post, but I hope it attracts a lot more people to vote for it.

Oh, I bet there will be issues, as always... 😃 I remember well my Hive-Engine witness node issues, and when the next hard forks happen, we will see what happens... In any case, issues are there to be fixed...

Thanks for the vote and support!

I support what you're doing man, it's not an easy job and you need a lot of support to make it pay for itself. I hope you succeed on this path!

Thank you, Mustafa! HIVE was taking a lot of my time, and with Hive Witness it will take even more... But, I like it!

Enjoy your Sunday!!!

I'm glad liotes is in my list of approved witnesses!
!discovery 30

Thank you very much for your support!
It's great to have a support from a great dedicated Hivian, as you are!

I wish you and @achim03 the best of luck for your witness node.

Thank you, very much! Appreciated!

I am gonna go and support your witness <3

Hello ph1102!

It's nice to let you know that your article will take 8th place.
Your post is among 15 Best articles voted 7 days ago by the @hive-lu | King Lucoin Curator by hallmann

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Will be following your adventure ;)

It was a crazy ride and we have a lot more in front of us! As I said in another post, we are just warming up!!!

Your cryptocurrency journey seem cool and I’m glad that you found this platform
Having people like you on here to guide and motivate us is a blessing

Thank you!

@libertycrypto27, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/1) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @ph1102 gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Thanks for your curation!

And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Already voting for the f*cking @hiq.witness! 😂

This post was shared and voted inside the discord by the curators team of discovery-it
Join our Community and follow our Curation Trail
Discovery-it is also a Witness, vote for us here
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@palomap3 has 4 vote calls left today.

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Hey @ph1102, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on HIVE and on HIVE Engine.

Your cryptocurrency journey seem cool and I’m glad that you found this platform
Having people like you on here to guide and motivate us is a blessing