
I think it is nice to give a reason when giving a low rating to a piece of content. Not that my stake is so large as to zero anyone's potential rewards haha

Since I gave the post a low rating, I made clear why I think it is especially poor content, why I think that warrants a downvote, and why I encourage you to not worry too much about downvotes. Perhaps that resonated with some. Perhaps they'd like it to resonate with you

Your elementary description of DPOS was not helpful, and you missed the topic of the article entirely in the 2nd paragraph...

Not all DPoS chains have blogs. Of the ones that do, not all of them offer ratings below 0. Clarifying my stance before explaining my reasoning may very well have been needed given that you think it an elementary explanation of DPoS

Whether tagging and insults are the topic of the article or not, it is poor content

My view on ratings + my view of the content = my reason for rating this content the way I have

You seemed to feel very strongly that you are entitled to an explanation. While I disagree, I have given it to you as clearly as I am able. If it is not clear enough, then you have my apologies. It was only an attempt on my part to help meet your expectations. In the future, it will probably be best if I do not give a reason

I don't give a fuck about the explanation, I am saying the comment utility is broken on Hive because your spam is voted higher than the rest of the replies that understand the article.