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RE: Thought Nuggets: WHY is Your Perception of Reality “Good,” and WHO Does it Help or Benefit?

an extraordinary number of people just seem to be so pervasively and reactively ANGRY about the smallest and stupidest things

Which, in turn, annoys the heck out of me, because it makes for bad decisions for civilization 😞

I think my beliefs are mostly based on the idea that people are stupid, moronic and selfish and our poor earth, nature and animals have to be defended against that. I am also very sure people will eventually kill themselves up until the point of (near) extinction and I know we'll take a lot of nature's beauty with us. I have no kids, so I don't have to work towards solving climate change, although I still love nature and animals, so I will sooner make a decision pro-nature instead of against it.

Still, I know my decisions always keep me and my loved ones in mind aswell. Above others if need be, as long as I do no harm. I think 'civilization' is pretty far down my list of considerations, because humanity has brought all of their problems on themselves.

Here, take a reblog while my VP is still recovering :-)