Build Your Own Happiness ---POB-WOTW

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Nothing is as important as you smiling all the time,it is the biggest gift you can give yourself everyday.Yes that is why the word "happiness" is a very essential word in our community today.

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It is very clear and certain that life at times comes with lot of stress and lot of uncertainty that can at times try to take away the happiness we want,but we just have to understand that life wont be always easy all the time.At every stage in life we need to step up our games and find joy in all we are doing.

I will sincerely say and agree with myself here {lolz),that no one at any point in time can make you happy and even to me , placing our happiness or getting it attached to someone's shoulder will really hurt us the more.

So to me I will say that we really need to understand and build the word happiness within ourselves first.

we should erased our mind from the thought that financial things or material things do come with happiness,even though that might be right at times ,but they are not the sole source of happiness,don't misquote me here ,am not saying getting an unexpected alert or gifts items at times does comes with joy,but they are not the sole reasons for it,once a man lost the attribute of happiness or the feelings in them, whatever they get does not mean anything and even the happiness that comes from those gifts won't last long,it is like eating a sweet meal for a period,,,,,,Smile

but of all we just need to know how to build the our own happiness irrespective of whatever comes our way in life.

I always believe that no one can make us happy irrespective of what we are getting from them, gifts and moment are not all we need to be happy. Happiness is something that we build ourselves without waiting for anyone's approval .

But of all we all need to understand and note the things that brings joy and happiness to us daily,cause it will go a long way to keep us happy always irrespective of the situation or circumstances that life might bring at times.


Understand what your happiness resolve around and build more on it without waiting for anyone's approval

This is my entry to #pob-wotw by @scholaris

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Happiness is never in other people, but always in ourselves. I think this is one of the biggest and most important lessons of our lives.

If we don't do it ourselves, no one will.

Definitely and most people get hurt on most occasions, just because they put all of n others people shoulder

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