10 000 #FreeBrittany T Shirts.... That was a DELIBERATE marketing ruse!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

You can 'imagine the shock' when Karl Baxter of Wholesale Clearance UK realised it wasn't just the first box of 10 000 T Shirts he'd had printed with #FreeBrittany rather than #FreeBritney, thinking to cash in on the Star's upcoming court case by selling to supporters.

Screenshot 2021-07-18 at 09.27.51.png

Or at least that's how the Tabloids reported it. Karl Baxter has apparently described himself as 'gutted'.

However I'm wondering whether this was deliberate on the part of the company - maybe the 10K is exaggerated, and maybe this was all designed to generated more traffic to the Wholesale website who sell a range of budget mens and women's clothing for the most part.

How else is this relatively small company going to get mentions in the mainstream news.

I think this could well be an entirely cynical move, and of course there's a market for these 'misprinted T shirts' too!

I mean let's face it - there is no way a professional business outlet is not going to check the spelling of a person's name before clicking 'yes' on an order of 10 000 Units....

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What a mistake and loss!

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I'm sure it was deliberate and it wasn't really 10K!

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Look more like marketing genius..
they can still clear the stock in discount without any loss and publicity is all free.

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I think that's exactly what they're doing and that was the plan all along.

I mean, honestly, what kind of retailer doesn't think to double check the spelling of a name before spending a couple of thousand on a purchase?!?

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