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RE: Using Flipcharts

My thanks to @revolverocelotyt, who asked to be notified when I publish new posts.

Thank you so much for mentioning me my friend, also my friend I subscribed on your medium account mine is "revolverocelotytt" so I hope you can find me on medium now lets hope I dont get banned again so please just follow me back there but dont read my stories today instead do it tommorow cause they are also cutting those who do read4read :(.


Thanks for letting me know. I'll follow you, but it won't be worth reading your stories until I resume my membership on 1 May.

BTW am urging Katerin to create a new account as well.

Please do. I'm sure she is missed there.

I was able to read your stories on Medium because you haven't yet been re-accepted for the Partner Program.

I am putting together some hints and tips for writing on Medium, which I might post in the future:

  • Medium recently issued new restrictions on the use of AI. Generating AI images is okay if they have been disclosed. AI-generated paywalled articles are banned, and using writing aids like Grammarly could also be a problem.

  • Writers also need to be careful about external links. I read some time ago that linking to your own website is okay, but I wonder whether links to Web3 sites would cause a problem. Katerina did a lot of this before being banned. One way around this would be to use an unlinked reference like: "Originally published on PeakD". I don't have this potential problem because nearly all my articles are first published on my website.

Did you know that using an Unsplash photo breaks Medium's rules? The reference caption contains a referral link that benefits Medium, but the referral is not mentioned anywhere. It's unlikely that you would be banned for breaking this rule, and it is possible to edit the link to remove the referral.