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RE: Bad with, worse without [WOTW]

Having a government is not in itself bad, although I would agree that an oppressive government is never good for the citizens of a country. To lead a revolution against autocracy is admirable, but it takes a good leader to front a successful revolution, such that there is something left after the fallout for the people to build upon. In your story, it would appear that a renegade revolutionary managed to manipulate the minds of the bee society against the queen (as you mention that he was malicious with his words and their is no evidence that the bee society was functioning in any way out of the norm). The lesson also therefore lies in ensuring that we are careful in life not to be distracted by the "noise" of disgruntled detractors and ensure that we challenge the integrity of these positions they have taken, before rushing blindly over the precipice after them.


It's an interesting story. Queen 2 felt Queen 1 was the oppressor but was she? I think Queen 2 was the oppressor. Instead of teaching her fellow bees about the freedom she sought her own interests and turned many bees away from Queen 1. The bees that blindly followed her paid for her greed with their lives.

Queen 1 must have been devastated, but we'll never know. Their frailty was a consequence of Queen 2's greed.

And government? Perhaps the government in this story was the one trying to rise upon the back of another (Queen 1).

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For me, the story highlights the impact of freedom and how it can be a two-edged sword. One can be free from oppression but held captive by their flaws and shortcomings. The supposed queen 2 wanted her fellow bees to be free without offering some form of structure. Most of these bees have lived within the confines of the system created by the supposed oppressive queen and moving away from it proved challenging.

I probably would have preferred a different twist to the story. I do not believe freedom can be all damning. I believe people can try and thrive exposing new things, at least a few who exposure other alternatives and we should encourage that

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I probably would have preferred a different twist to the story. I do not believe freedom can be all damning. I believe people can try and thrive exposing new things, at least a few who exposure other alternatives and we should encourage that

For sure!
I didn't want to condemn freedom. In fact, I'm in favor of picking her up. But, seek wisely and have the idea that achieving your own freedom requires more effort and work than when you are stuck in the "system". That's why many people give up midway and go back to the same old

This was pretty much my take on the situation.

I'll take the opportunity to answer both.

The idea of ​​the text is basically what you understand.

Creating and leading a revolt against a system is admirable. But to what extent is it really thought of in society as a whole and helps others and not just for self-interest? What's more, if you don't know how to drive, everything will either fail or be even worse.

In the example I wanted to use a bee not wanting to live the same as usual. Caught in the cultural system that it has always been. But I didn't know what the outside world was like beyond the rules and within a "working system." Convinced a few others and fate was the end of them.

But those who stayed, even with a few survived and re-eeged themselves, the state (government) continued, and even gained more strength with the example that happened. Since it's going to take a while for someone else to want to go out like this, because she's already seen the end that would be without a good plan.