We all like pretty things, even pretty post formatting :)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


Post Format Tips

Appearance is important

We all like attractive things and posts are no different. While most of the time we improve post appearance with pictures, we can also improve post appearance with formatting.

Title/Subtitle/highighted text/normal text

I use this formating a lot, as it not only helps organize a post visually, but can also help you organize information.
You use one # for the title
You use two ## for subtitles
You use three ### or four #### to height text.
It gives a nice organized look and guides the reader through the information.


1st a single #

Article Title


2nd a double ##

Article Subtitle or main topic heading


3rd a triple ###

Highlighted Text


4th a four ####

Smaller highlighted text or signatures


Two additional easy things are centering pictures and creating columns.

I like to include pictures and occasionally include columns in my posts. You can use Markdown coding to center your pictures and put columns in your work. So I decided to share these tips. I hope this helps you.

The first tip is for centering a picture.

A small picture tends to be off center to the left. If you don’t center it I think it looks less professional, and so I give my posts a more professional look using this Markdown code.

to the left of my picture code and
to the right of my picture code.

The markdown code looks like this:


The picture without centering


The picture with centering.


The code below is used to create columns.

You can simply copy paste the code below into your Raw Editor and change my Text!

This is a picture of the code format


Below is what the code above looks like in your post!

Write you first Column Text right here followed by closing Markdown Code
Now write the Text of your 2nd Column, keep in mind that some Markdown Styling won't Work

Thank you for the instructions, I didn't know how to create columns. Have a great weekend! 😀

Nice. This is helpful thanks

Posted via proofofbrain.io