Beautiful in Red - POB Photo Contest: RED

in Proof of Brain2 years ago


This is a photo of the red geranium from our garden.

I have several other colors of geranium flowers in our garden....white, pink, and yellow. But this is my favorite because of its lively color, it brightens my day. Isn't she beautiful?

It is easy to propagate geraniums, just plant it from cuttings.

This is our entry for POB Photocontest of @friendlymoose.


I loved it's lively color red, I can imagine your garden full of geraniums in different colors.

Yes, especially during spring. They are easy to grow and they bloom a lot.

Red is love like my love 4 you

Oh thank you that's sweet!

it's lovely! Great entry!

So pretty geraniums in red 😍❤