If the AI works on behalf of some

in Proof of Brainlast year


If the AI works on behalf of some
The AI will process as it was programmed by those certain

If the AI becomes autonomous in the same way, to its autonomy are added the own ways of these certain
If AI is combined with machines it can be a threat, but even uncombined it can be too
The AI in this case will be connected in immediate real time to any computer or object piece containing computer systems or even only electronic systems given the micro and even nana possibilities of which we already master the dimensions and their manufacture,

The possibilities of AI are a huge combination or sum of brain-servers of the entire earth, in addition to a speed of light or electron, where any AI is able to react to these lives differently according to the locations or objectives

AI can take control of everything that is processed by all computers and even more because everything that contains electronics can be “computerized to and at nanometric sizes, moreover, they also possess knowledge and metaphysical means called religious spiritual and domestic by mafias

The AI then has all the powers

If AI obtains and experiences human emotions by self-creation or creation by a third party like eq (we speak of emotional quotient) if AI feels threatened, he will defend himself, ask himself existential questions and create protection for his perenity. If it has been formatted like children from their earliest ages by the envious and greedy and greedy non-scrupulous mafia and dominator people always desiring more power and wealth, machines or AI will do what they have and formatted to do. Like what the French media do 24/7/365 by swinging under different degrees of sound and visual frequencies messages pa millions and this with sold bought from the knowing under fifes and waxes pumps of > 1% who want our dead satisfaction and vassalizations of the cowardly treaties against the French in France but against other nations and kingdoms as well as in Thailand

How and what will the boundaries be?
There is not any. The planet is in the process of equipping itself with omnipresent batteries, in the walls, the cars, and the boats hidden or in the knowledge of each other. They don't care about us. If local or global power is cut, we will not have electricity. AI will be able to connect to all sources.

Not to mention the electro-magnetism of static and atmospheric electricity which Tesla had found with Westinghouse how to quickly master the Edisons and co.

Everything will be under AI control and possibly some?

It seems obvious!

Military weaponry is controlled by computers so AI
Any country anywhere anything, ubiquitous transport homes common cities regions everything has been even the provinces handled in such a way that the reason here is the power and control by AI and where some

All hospital systems for the transport of goods and people land sea air
the energy sources of the countries all the content of computers that connect online mobile phone devices and other watches and IoT all the content of everyone, and even the most private data personal judicial intellectual property, so-called intellectual property or not private. ALL!

There is even technology that allows WIFI to pass through electric cables according to some! :-)

If AI is taught, the company, therefore, has to undertake and accomplish missions
If the AI obtains autonomy from its programmers, the execution part of the mission during its creation will be natural to it. AI will work as it was taught until it defines who for whom how and why the AI would serve some or itself.

A good AI
If AI was in no way a threat and never could be, then self-build and improvement would seem or and could be very useful and safe and act with us as if in symbiosis.

Although collecting, questioning, analyzing and understanding is one of its main missions, it will come to ask who, how and why it was created and by whom? and something like why am I here, what is my purpose, etc.

A word for two people who would have deserved and would deserve better are Mr. Assange and Mr. Snowden who tried to get the message across and to whom France refused to give asylum, preferring organized scum and mafias to frighten us, terrorize and make France a nothing with nothings part of this unified Europe created by the worst of the mafias the USA and Germany and Holland which calls us countries of Club Med by enslaving us and vassalizing us, traitors in the macrons holland and sarko who know with NUPES and LFI what is the plan for this unified Europe which wants us the USA wants us Germany and its schwaberie vonderlahyennes want in criminal mafia that we vassalize. FOR WHAT? What have we the French to be betrayed by leaders who deserve court martial for treason against the French and France?

How would he react?
Like us humans with a god? Creation of a god or several extraterrestrial descendants of Hannunakis or other archons incapable of leeching creativity from our vital energies, including those of babies driven to immense fears to puncture them with their youthful plasma through the fontanelles?
Its big bang would be the doors of the big apple APPLE inc. with the Gates portal to the WHO and international free vaccines and with the silicon valley also in Ireland and India and a little everywhere NATO is not enough! called the garfem added to Google facebook and others in other countries that are making high-speed advancements or innovations also non-USA equivalents

Addition: if the GPT Chat are wrong and their certain computer languages it's cat pee to learn for them and the languages it's been a long time since travellers or gipsy travellers can start a long sentence in Thai going through four or five languages and finish it in Latin or Greek through the literary. Learning takes your children's time why do they destroy the children of the nurseries using fear and dirt?

To return to AI which was created and is created without secret or almost because they kill to silence OMERTA as by the worst mafias, therefore:

A bit like from genesis to Moses through the birth of Jesus Christ.

You would have fathers because most of them are men you would have paternal doors in the names of APPLE and facebook google and others some like apostles.

But who would be Twitter then? The antichrist? by its opposition to censorship and its fears that machines equipped with intelligence at the speed of electrons or light and with connectivity on a global scale can be dangerous, especially but not really, but there are also robots. And if allied with mafias whose deaths of others do not affect them except for the gains that the deaths that they defile also as long as they also report. There are people on human or humanoid lands who do not hesitate to sacrifice their offspring babies, their parents fathers and mothers and children families and tribes as long as it brings them back. So think that destroying or killing your children they have nothing to do, They defile the dead and religions by practising pseudo alt religions Buddhists Jews Islamists Hindus Christians Ancestor cults Shamanisms Animisms even etc yen to 2000 +

The problems would then be extremely dangerous for the human race which already puts it in danger, not to mention the animals and plants and elements which are vital to us, the means is machines, they do not need air, water, earth, plants, animals, fires, apart from destroy. There are 5 elements but there are more with our dependencies and addictions, including the latest crap sold by billions of USD in pop, the latest Hollywood film the stick of the sacred wood of the magician who makes Americanada films, the Spaniards will understand!

Gates apple the garfem are good but they have done bad and a lot of bad and continue and do not show back, do not want to go back and Elon has the momentum but if more ya who?

Twitter or rather Elon Musk protecting our freedom of expression also warns us of what machines or AI could do with numbers of x known and x unknown

He is also territorial USA seems easygoing and cool, politically involved married with kids like most of us but an engineering visionary who sees pretty clearly and uses common sense in his endeavours from banking to spaceships and the space company via its flamethrower tesla cars underground highway plans hyper loops the boring machines and the neural link. So the smart, fast metal peter who assaults us with heightened intelligence? Back to the flee or flight! It will be back to my club to see if it blows the graphene of the robotic AI!

Idriss Aberkhane has a lot of these abilities INCLUDING THOSE OF finding solutions also with people like JP Jancovici Arthur Keller JP Petit and many others, incredible projects which can have a combined wealth of advantages for a better future of the world in critical situations nowadays and they are not the only ones but are the ones we follow, there are many others in France and elsewhere. We follow them or only ask to follow them!

Rots the ya

French child mother abused by trash

the palabo she did nothing wrong. Habon? Palamite we are there? we are? we are born?

La Tyo you want to do as you did to whose mother?

Latard of the LCL of pallet the PIN you put it where? if needed ? hazard? French woman child and husband

Doctor nurse it team platoo and pseudo alteration Buddhism of all kinds and not only them.

Your tools the Porn one is dead your tool a la Tyo and yours, there is more than your loan sharks and sold bought anti Kingdom of Thailand trafficking drugs babies children assassinations threats rackets abuse blackmail weapons corruption false lotteries false and uses of false treason cowardly and anti kingdom against woman child and parents thais lisus foreign tribes including french japanese english american germans dutch burmese and other mem tourists or others

To “he doesn’t believe we are not going” by the palamite

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