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RE: Question: Why is this Post Hidden on Hive ?

It is not censored. That is misleading. A post that gets enough downvotes or when the individual have a negative rating (as is the case with spammers), some of the front ends hide the posts. They are on the blockchain though and anyone can see them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is just Hidden.

Up to the creators of the front end you are using.

Hmm… I can see it everywhere except Hive.

Posted via

I kind of like this system although it is not perfect. You are free to hide the post from your front end and you are free not to hide the post on your front end. It kind of reflects the way people think. It's unique from other social media because a community can build almost anything they want on the blockchain but there is still no way to mute what really has been placed in the blockchain.