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RE: Is Hive Ready for Child's Play?

This is a great article and I applaud you for getting her interested. Hopefully you can convince her that she has a chance to be a "hive star". We are looking for people on here who make it big. With the development of the @spknetwork, we might see videos stars emerging from on here (if that is her thing).

NFTs. Games. All great ways to make money for hacking around online.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I appreciate that, @taskmaster4450le! I am trying to convince her of that... her chances on Hive are EXCEPTIONAL compared to YouTube at this point, and there are so many avenues she can use here. I hadn't heard of @spknetwork, but I'll check it out right now. So much going on!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment. That's huge. :)

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