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RE: Is Hive Ready for Child's Play?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

That's an interesting point and one that I'd never thought about so thanks for bringing it up!

I don't have any kids of my own but if I did I'd prefer for them to be in a place like Hive rather than YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok or whatever platform is hyped these days.

I don't know what the current "kids scene" looks like right now on Hive so I wonder how well we can retain these kids in the community but I believe there is a good opportunity there.

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I feel pretty good about retention once they get here and understand it... but the onboarding needs to get more succinct and crisp, which could be a tall order when everything is still growing and changing around us. BALANCE is a good buzz word, I think. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts, @tfranzini! :)

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That's true, the onboarding can be tricky even for us, "grown ups" :P

Something that needs some work.

Always a pleasure to engage with quality content. Keep up the good work!

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