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RE: deleted

We are top-heavy. Meaning most of our rewards go to a small group of people.

Actually the curve is not that bad, better than most. Certainly better than Lassecash's disaster.


There is always going to be favored authors, but I would say {POB has a pretty decent curve considering. Curation on the other hand I think is a different story. You can see what I mean about that by looking at the staked tokens here:


As for 50/50 vs 75/25, I believe 50/50 is the fairest distribution. Even though authors appear to be doing "all the work", it's a lot harder to amass a good amount of stake than it is to write a blog post about what you had for lunch. Not only do you have to buy/earn a lot of stake, you got to spend time curating. I believe 50/50 provides an incentive for curators to be more benevolent and organic (although I agree this doesn't really happen as much as it should) rather than self serving.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh yeah. We definitely agree on Lasse. We already talked about this. :D

I'm probably biased since I'm earning more as a writer right now. :)
But it's a moot point, since I'm pretty sure changing the split wouldn't get the writers more value anyway.
So we agree. We should stay at 50/50.

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