
Lol, you're welcome,...

Any chance of getting that guy posting here?

You could try the socials at his site, or maybe
send him a wallet message to one of his cryptos.

I tried to sign up to his page but his filter won't let me.

He had a bunch of scripts I didn't recognize, too.
I allowed them.
I had to go so far as to enable javascript before it would let me enter my username to find out that it wasn't available.

So, it won't be me that gets him here.
And he has this strike against him, now.

I feel you. I don't even bother trying to onboard people to HIVE. This place is so backward, and it requires that people rewire how they think to be at peace with how things (fail to) work around here. If a semi-successful side-chain token community can ever resolve the downvote shenanigans, in that case, I might promote their front end to people outside of the HIVE.

Fat chance, without the downvotes this place isn't viable.
The bots would post and suck up all the rewards.

This new paradigm is requiring us to change to fit it.
I'm pretty sure freedom and abundance are worth it.
What I am getting now sure isn't.

POB is presently experimenting with several proposals around intelligently censoring the stake of bad actors who operate in poor form by maliciously downvoting. In the case that you mention, there would be wiggle-room as bot postings are tantamount to spam. The clever part about it is that antisocial (not to be confused with antisocialist) people are the proverbial "few bad apples." That said, stake censorship would be as few and far between as muting bots from the community.

I'm all for the experiment. The second layer seems as decent a place as any to start creating better governance. There's only a handful of people on the chain who get their rocks off on downvoting maliciously. It's on a par with the number of antisocial people in general demographics. Of course, this is the internet, and maybe it attracts or creates a few more than expected.

Hey, maybe consider including some of your political memes in either deepdives or informationwar. It might not get the same as a long form post, but it might could get you more than what you're getting. Also that's where most of the eyes are at as it pertains to politically oriented content.

I avoid deepdives because my content is too shallow.
I was using informationwar, but more lurking than participating.
I stopped at the fork.
I will start adding it where it is germane.
I do make alot of content of that type.