POBphotocontest New Round: WATER

in Proof of Brain13 days ago

Hello everyone ,

This is my entry for POBphotocontest New Round: WATER hosted by @friendlymoose

Check the contest LNIK HERE

POBphotocontest New Round: WATER

This photo was taken just behind our house in our hometown. Every time we go back home, we never miss the chance to play, swim, or even just sleep while resting our bodies at these rivers. It was not just clean, but it was very refreshing and took all the tiredness from our bodies. Since I was far away from home now, this was the first thing that came to mind when I found out that this week's photo contest round was water.


sungai mana ni?

Sana kg 😌😌😌. Jauh huhu

osodu d mala haha.. ngatkan p jalan2 sari sungai d sana ahahaha

Manada sungai sni 😂😂😂

aik tam.. jakun sy ni hahahahaha