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RE: The IMF are developing a Global CBDC Platform

Oh, a global cryptocurrency! That sounds great. Just what we need! Or...?

Don't we already have cryptocurrencies that are global? Isn't that why banks and governments fight us?

I can (supposedly) take my Hive and sell for Euro, Yen, dollars, pesetas, or SEK, regardless of where I was sitting when I wrote the post that earned them. In some places I don't even have to convert, I can pay for my meal, fill the tank of my motorcycle, and rent a room with Hive. Isn't that global enough?

I can go across the border and sell my WAX and WAX NFTs, then withdraw in fiat or trade for another cryptocurrency. Or stay where I am and do the same.

I don't need a currency where my account can be blocked or sdcrutinized by IMF or anyone else.