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RE: A Well Thought Out Governance Model for POB - Let's Start The POB Engine, I Am Putting in Some Fuel

I am upvoting to reward the brainpower you put into this, and to maximize visibility and opportunity for folks to comment.

Like @calumam, I need some time to digest it.

Also, like @calumam and @frot have stated in the comments (and @lucylin and others elsewhere), DPoS has definite problems, especially with new tribes -- because it would be relatively easy for someone with a lot of HIVE Power to mount a hostile takeover of the new tribe.

As such, I am generally in favor of centralized control of a new tribe, with the 'decentralization' being every individual's choice to participate or not participate in the new tribe. As the tribe grows, then decentralization of governance begins to make more sense. Even then, though, I'm not sure DPoS is the answer.

However, I am in favor of decentralizing token-issuance (e.g. via some form of multi-sig shared control over the issuing account). The problem is, Hive-Engine does not currently support that -- the owner of the issuing account has full control (as @themarkymark has pointed out both on chain and on the POB Discord server).

Thanks for all the brainpower and effort you've put into this!

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well said, sir..

Hi @trostparadox,

I put in one method which deals with decision making processes. Here you can read my comment down below where I link to the method. It may be of interest for you - I am very interested in innovative methods and that's why I take part in this dialogue.

Greetings to you