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RE: Announcement of My Intent to File a Future Proposal Regarding ‘Rules for Downvoting’ in the Proof-of-Brain Tribe

Personally, I don't think much of overly fixed and elaborate rules, because they lead to more and more sub-rules in the free space. Those who have dealt with law books or seen catalogues of regulations grow may know what I mean.

I agree 100%. I am a minimalist when it comes to rules. This particular set of 'rules' is already too much for my liking. However, I am trying to draft something that an overwhelming majority of the community can get behind, and that will encourage growth and expansion of the tribe, rather than hinder it.

I am taking action because I think unfettered DVs can severely damage the community's growth potential. As soon as one person with high stake comes in and starts blasting DVs at every post he/she ideologically disagrees with, things will get ugly in a hurry, and a lot of good folks will leave rather than deal with it.

those who are active here have certain intentions - keyword decentralisation - and also see this as a learning and experimentation field, where one wants to do things differently than in the corporate and government world

Again, I agree. Being able to experiment and do things differently is fundamental, imho. That is why I find the argument "free DVs are the only way to discipline and stop bad actors" non-persuasive. Let's explore creative ways to stop 'bad actors' that are less susceptible to abuse.