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RE: When Is a Censor Not A Censor? The Wider Implication of Downvote/Cancel Culture on Hive.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

That's a great video, yes, thanks for sharing. I get where you are coming from regarding the rewards pools, but at the same time I actually enjoy the mechanism as it is one of the only ways people can be directly financially rewarded for their creative thinking and problem solving attempts without needing to go through a lengthy process or contracting with an entity.

I see hive as a microcosm of the macrocosmic world and an excellent place to evolve our own thinking and use of social psychology - as it provides a framework for people to interact within and where common problems arise between people in a way that is both publicly observed and to some extent measurable. If people have intent to heal and balance then this can be a very good thing.. However, it does require people to have the time and security needed to focus in this way and many people are struggling too much financially to do this at present.

Ultimately, our collective problems require us to heal, balance and evolve so no technology can solve our problems. However, a social networking space that can empower people to engage financially does open up space to achieve something unusual if it is channelled in a healthy direction.

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's possible to create a layer 2 community on Hive that has no reward pool and is as you are suggesting - maybe a worker proposal can fund it as an experiment.