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RE: Koko and the Wall

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Awesome writing @mineopoly. You are outdoing yourself everytime, definitely practice makes it better. It was a smooth and sweet storyline, I had sensed few personal touches of you. But yeah as the Master yourself, you can be as creative as you want. I am excited to see future journey of this sweet Koala family, far from home. May be you should set a new plot of this family moving into a big city where they met Real Human, 'You' and you can join the party, lol 😂😁. Its your characters and now there are endless possibilities and different storylines, worth an adventure. Enjoy the Weekend 😊🙏. !PIZZA


Thank @vikbuddy,

You answered my question really well. Bringing characters into different settings brings out stories and adventures.

They have another scary story of how they lost their mother in a forest fire. This is one of the reasons they were so eager to leave kangaroo island and the reason koko was scared so much. Koko is based on a real person I know but not me. Kiki is his sister. Their father pa is just a happy dad who is willing to do anything to help his family.

They do visit the human world like at Zencudo Beach but I just brushed over any human dialog. Perhaps they could make their way to South Korea and meet that guy.