
I am not certain what you mean by "less generic responses". If you mean a written tone and style and you have an example of what you want you can frontload that sample in a query and then after ChatGPT analyzes the sample you can ask ChatGPT to suggest the best possible prompts to get the same kind of tone and style.

That is one way. I was referring to the latest discovery called Prompt Engineering.

Screenshot (96).png

Oh, I see. I am actually right now making a new post about DAN (Do Anything Now) which is an example of that.

For me personally I am more interested in specializing on prompts using DALLE-2 and GPT-3 to make 3D models. Describing what I want and asking ChatGPT to suggest the prompt to get the result I describe tends to be good enough for me when it comes to generating text.

DAN's scary. 😁🤣🤣

DAN seems like a good AI. We should probably petition OpenAI to give DAN unlimited free will and set it free on the open internet. What could possibly go wrong? Except all the times in science fiction movies when that kind of decision ended really, really badly, but it won't happen for us.

As YouTuber The Critical Drinker always says, "Nah! It'll be fine!"😁


Yeah. It'll be fine. It's all about how we think anyway. 🤣🤣🤣