The Balance of Sides

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Have you ever wondered what perspective people have of you?. We all have our different perspectives of different people. Some are good and some are bad according to us. We admire some and we are terrified by some.


I moved into a new area recently and people definitely had different views of me. You could see it in their eyes. I wanted to be the quiet girl that minds her business but that didn't work out. My inner self couldn't let that happen.

My normal social self popped out of the bag, not fully tho. I didn't go about talking to everyone but I never ever failed to smile back at people who stared at me. The way people starred made me always feel something was amiss on my body.

"Why are they looking at me like that? Is my hair properly done?" I'd think. It kept going like that until one day someone walked up to me and said " I really admire the way you dress. You are really beautiful". I've heard that before but it was the person's boldness for me. I didn't see that coming. I was so elated. So that was it! That's how they perceived me.

It turns out that most people see me as the bookworm fashionista. The girl that dresses so beautifully to spend her whole day in front of her books. These two personalities clash. It's either you're a full fashionista or a full bookworm. I have my way of balancing the two and that's the fun part.


Do you know how you're perceived? How about you try asking honest people around you. You may be surprised at the response you get.

With love, Wongi 😊


I like balancing shit out too like you, I have a lot of interests that can be considered conflicting, for example I love gangsta rap music and shit but at the same time I'm very philosophical and scholarly. Always great to mix shit up and leaving people with the realization of how futile the habit of sumary trial can be.

Sometimes it's good to confuse people. I guess that conflicting part is inevitable in humans, theyre always there