Exclusive: My Video Interview with a Philosopher from the Netherlands 🇳🇱

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


As a published author, it’s always rewarding to reach a new audience. So, I was grateful, recently, to be contacted by a Dutch thinker — Minke Tromp — inviting me for an online interview.

Tromp is, also, an anthropologist and founder of the Black Sheep : an online platform for people who are misunderstood and ignored so often that they lose faith in themselves and humanity.


Through this community, Tromp aspires to encourage her audience to have a positive impact on the world and help people see their true potential when it comes to the art of thinking.

To achieve this goal, Minke conducts interviews --more free-wheeling exchanges, really-- with thoughtful individuals whose ideas can contribute to the community, which is why I was invited :)


Our interview was a lively, informal talk, lasting around half an hour, and as wide-ranging as a spontaneous, intelligent conversation at a party.


Video footage is shared within the Black Sheep Community and in courses Tromp teaches.

Below, is a teaser of our interview where we explore truth in opposites and the wisdom that can be found in literature and spirituality:

You can find out more about my work, here

Thank you, for your interest and support 🙏



Hi Yahia,

Cool to have found this ( and your blog ). I watched the whole interview, highly interesting in many ways.

The name Minke Tromp rings a bell and I have often felt like a black sheep myself as well as like a philosoraptor, so I love what she is doing!

Greetings from a Dutch writer living in Portugal, who used to be a filmmaker.

Congrats, on escaping the system and discovering crypto, fellow independent thinker! It's nice to e-meet. Exciting that you're a Dutch writer and have heard of Minke :)

You seem more well-rounded than I am, as a creative individual. While I've worked on films, as a writer, I've never created them. Impressive! Thanks, for your encouraging words, regarding my talk. I hope to know you better over time and that my posts continue to keep you good company.

Brave New Week around the bend :)

Cheers, @vincentnijman ✌️

Thank you!

More well-rounded, I don't know about that :<)

In all honesty, I have always been creative. My parents expected me to go to University, and film studies / film theory seemed the most creative subject that I could pick. After years of hardly making any money as a filmmaker, post Uni and a bunch of years as a teacher working myself towards burnout and depression, I managed to indeed escape, find crypto, move countries and get back to writing ( not necessarily in that order ).

I might still get back to filmmaking in the near future but for now writing will make do ;<)

Looking forward to getting to know you and your work better, over time :<)

All the best!

Thanks, for your trust, brother, in sharing your story 🙏

Typically, there's not much money in art, we do it for the passion. But, it's nice when it pays off, and I'm happy for you that you found crypto and a way to return to writing.

This seems like a time for new possibilities and I wish for you what I wish for myself: the ability to make the most of our changing world while remaining true to yourself.

Thank you!

This seems like a time for new possibilities and I wish for you what I wish for myself: the ability to make the most of our changing world while remaining true to yourself.

The last part of this sentence of you is key: remaining true to ourselves under constant change.

I agree. As does Ralph Waldo Emerson :

It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.

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