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RE: My Telegram Ramblings about HIVE KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM where you have a 24-72 hr temporary active/;posting key given to you by 2 trusted recovery partner verification witnesses who you pay 1HBD to log you in with a telegram/discord/tweet faceid video/voice

yes yes yes we USED to have google account logion or actually reddit/twoitter when steem first started but peopel abused it i think?

WE DO have hive google account login liek wombat, yorue right it works teh best when regulated

@leofinance has it (Unfortuntalyim muted theer for telling a leo mod on hive discord that their game looked bad lol shows how centralzied leo is but whatever, better to just hold hive)

but if u posted on leofinance community on hive ud make more than just hiveud earn leo too or use their front end here

i may use one of my 100 other accounts to starta leo posting account to use twitter threads

see u can signup with google teehr i think they have guest accounts etc

but i see leo as a second layer anarchy mess, great as a sandboxbut really messy and just liek, i mean its a cool newspaper for finnce on hive but we should all be using main net hive and layer 1 hive internal market smts and nfts not scotbot hive engine

we wre promsied hive tokens that didnt need swap.hive a whiel ago


see the top posst only get liek $4? weird, thast must be in leo cuz the posst by @taskmaster4488 get liek $50 in hive and iguess $5 in leo too?

u shouldf post theer and earn mroe leo


liek u said look, facebook or twitter login, maybe no google but twitetr facebook works well