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RE: Once A Troubled Shoot

in Model-Agency • 2 years ago

But a year came, a friend of mine decided we go to the studio for my birthday shoot

Wow, God bless that your friend for taking you out of your rubbish shy shell😹

2020 left me with one of my best photoshoots

Life is progressive and so is growth. Time changes everything and you can see that in all the shots. As the year progressed, you grew, got prettier and the photos got better.

What's my favourite hashtag again?

 2 years ago  

Lol. Thanks to that yeye friend o.
Yes dear, it can only get better.
I see you around too. Welcome onboard dear. I am sure they will get more of you from time to time😃🙂

I see you around too. Welcome onboard dear. I am sure they will get more of you from time to time😃🙂

Yes o, thank you dear, they'll definitely hear from me😊