FungiFriday: "Lord Clam!"


Bukit Rata Valley is regarded not only as a mushroom paradise but also as the abode of Lord Clam.

That's a myth I heard from a friend about two weeks ago when he invited me to go mushroom hunting there. So, just to see if he was serious or joking, I accepted his invitation to go there.

When we arrived, I asked him what the Lord Clam looked like and if he had ever seen one. "Relax, man!" he exclaimed, smiling. "You'll see that for sure."

He reappeared from the bushes shortly after and held a wooden twig. "You're wondering about Lord Clam's looks? It's finally here!" He laughed and held up the small oyster mushroom he was holding.

Damn it! It was found that the Lord Clam he was referring to was the oyster mushroom (Pleurotaceae sp.) that resembled a clamshell. With his fucking jokes, he has deceived me. However, I think "Lord Clam" would be a nice moniker for this mushroom. 😆

So, as my contribution to this week's #FungiFriday, I'd like to share some pics of the "Lord Clam" mushroom here.









Happy #FungiFriday! 😉
CameraXiaomi Poco X3 NFC Smartphone
LensExternal macro lens
CategoryMushroom Photography
ProcessedMobile Lightroom
LocationLhokseumawe, Sumatra, Indonesia

Hello dear friend @akukamaruzzaman good afternoon
What a beautiful collection of images; great shots, congratulations
To be honest, I never saw something as beautiful as this mushroom, I really appreciate that you let us know these beautiful images
have a beautiful afternoon

Hello, @jlufer. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you will be able to see it for yourself sometime. And I'm sure that your shots will be better than mine. 😊

Lord Clam is a damn good name.
And boy oh boy what a lovely bokeh! :D

Hahaha.. Thanks @ewkaw. The term "Lord Clam" was actually inspired by a fictional book titled "Kura-Kura Berjanggut" (Beard Turtle.)

very beautiful mushroom

Thank you buddy 🙂

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much @ackhoo and the @qurator Team 😍

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