FungiFriday - Processing mushroom photos, there are also mushrooms to cook

in FungiFriday2 years ago (edited)


Hello Everyone..

This is my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

Lately the weather in the area where I live is erratic, sometimes very hot and ends with dark clouds and then it rains in the afternoon. Some types of mushrooms may grow but they do not last long because the weather in the morning is really very hot. Fortunately I found 2 types of mushrooms that grow on the stems of areca nut that have been buried for a long time. The two types of mushrooms I mean are Lacrymaria lacrymabunda and Lepiota cristata.

Because of the position of these two types of mushrooms that only grow on areca nut stems that have been buried in the soil for a long time, of course I had a little trouble taking pictures of the two mushrooms.


Lepiota cristata


Lacrymaria lacrymabunda

Finally I took the initiative to move the two types of mushrooms to another location, and I chose a theme that seemed natural. Namely in the former cloth that has been overgrown with moss, then I stuck the two mushrooms there. And here are some photos of the two:









Incidentally, today is also mushroom Friday, a vegetable shop near my house also sells packaged mushrooms at a price of 10 thousand rupiah or the equivalent of $0.7 and the mushrooms that I bought I stir-fry for my dinner. :)






CameraVivo V20 + Macro Lens
CategoryFungi Photography

This stir fry looks delicious. I love cooking with fresh ingredients like this. I wonder if the mushroom photos you took are also edible? I can never tell and am very cautious around them.

Happy Fungi Friday, this looks like a fun and tasty one 😀

The mushroom photo I took is inedible, even the white one is very poisonous. What I cook is the mushrooms I bought at the greengrocer. It is an edible mushroom that is cultivated. It's delicious and nutritious :)

Ka neu letlet euh..neu tem meurugoe tak bloe kulat euh 😂

Hehe ..
Kebetulan na gepewoe kulat bak Keude Gampong

Haha.. bereh lanjutkan kerja bagus!

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