Types of Mushrooms That Can Show Beauty.

in FungiFriday2 years ago


Hi all friends! How are you all? I hope the good news always accompanies all of you, welcome to meet me again @arul01 here, on this occasion I am back to share in this amazing community the amazing.

As usual this Friday I am back with all of my friends to show you one of the beauty of the mushrooms that I encountered, I found this mushroom growing thriving in the area of one of the small forests in the North Aceh region of Indonesia, I interested in seeing this mushroom so I decided to take some pictures using my smartphone.

As in some of the pictures that I shared, it can be seen that the size of the mushrooms that I encountered were slightly larger in size than mushrooms in general, what made this mushroom look beautiful and beautiful, namely it has a motif like lines on the bottom of the mushroom and I don't know it clearly this type of mushroom, is this mushroom edible or not, if any of you know, please comment.









This is all I can share for this opportunity and don't forget to leave suggestions in the comments column so that in the future I can share better and thank you also to all my friends who always support me.

Best regards; @arul01


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Thank you so much.

They have really lovely gills!

@tipu curate

Thank you so much @ewkaw and @tipu