#fungifriday 01/12/2023 - "Bringing mushrooms home from the fields"

in FungiFriday8 months ago

Hello friends, good afternoon in this continuous rainy season, friends of mushroom lovers and hunters. hey friends wherever you are, have fun carrying out all your activities and enjoy the weekend with your family or friends, I hope you all can have a beautiful day. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and is always successful, as usual, come back with me @big.whale in a special edition blog post #fungifriday on Friday 1 December 2023, special at the beginning of the month.

OK, friend, it doesn't feel like the weeks have gone by so fast and we meet again and enter a new month, namely December, and of course we always look forward to this Friday so we can take part in the #fungifriday challenge together.

So, this Friday I am back to take part and participate in the #fungifriday challenge by bringing or sharing pictures of the resulting mushrooms that I have prepared in today's presentation so you can share them with all your friends.

This is my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the rice fields to work like other farmers who grow crops in their fields. In this phase, we have just planted rice in our rice fields. and it has become my daily routine to control and guard the rice plants that are just ready to be planted so that they are not eaten by rice field snails. maintain water levels in rice fields and also provide fertilizer to rice that already looks fresh.

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wow the size is very big, I love this

Good morning dear friend @big.whale, how great to read your post, happy start to December
Thank you very much for sharing your find, you are very kind
Have a beautiful Mushroom Friday!