FungiFriday || I found the Marasmius rotula mushroom

in FungiFriday29 days ago

This my entry for #fungifriday organized by @ewkaw

My friends, today I found an interesting mushroom in my garden, among the rotting stems of thatch, there I saw the mushroom Marasmius rotula this mushroom has the shape of a small umbrella with a wide white hat and a serrated mushroom edge, the stem is slender and short making it graceful among the remains of rotting Rumbia fronds, I feel lucky because today I found this type of mushroom which I haven't found growing in the garden for a very long time.

Marasmius rotula, also known as the "collared parachute" mushroom, has distinctive characteristics that make it easy to identify, this fungus is often found growing on rotting wood remains, thatch leaves, fallen leaves or other organic material that is undergoing a period of decomposition, I honestly want to say that I am very interested in how this fungus adapts to its environment, only by using rotting thatch fronds to grow and develop, this is also a perfect example of the cycle of life in the forest, where every creature has a role and their respective contributions.

Apart from that, this mushroom also has its own aesthetic value, its unique shape and structural beauty make it an interesting object to observe and study. I spent a few moments taking photos and noting small details of this mushroom, for the first time. I saw this mushroom growing in a place that was very difficult to take photos of, and I lifted it along with the rotting leaves of the thatch to make it easier for me to take pictures and see small things in as much detail as possible to increase my knowledge about mushrooms.

now let's go to see some mushroom portraits that I have captured for you;

two marasmius rotula mushrooms growing on rotten thatch fronds, and I split the thatch skin and lifted it so I could easily take pictures.

Under the mushroom umbrella you can see small black objects? do you want to know what it is?

The skin of this frond is still very hard even though it is dry, I had difficulty when I first cut it open.

This is the first time I opened the skin of Rumbia fronds, I had to be careful because this skin is very sharp and can hurt my hands.

The small black object under the mushroom umbrella adds to the mystery of my mushroom discovery this time, is this part of the mushroom's life cycle? Or maybe this magical object has a connection with other small creatures that live around mushrooms? I am increasingly interested in investigating it further, this small object could reveal more information about the mini system ecosystem in my garden.

the discovery of small objects under the mushroom umbrella encouraged me to learn more about the world of fungi and other small creatures, I was curious to know if there was a special interaction between the Rotula Marasmius fungus and these black objects, maybe this would be the first step of a new adventure in understanding more a lot about life in my garden.

now I will zoom the camera so that the strange object is visible, and of course I always invite you to get involved in my research, now let's go to find answers and eliminate our curiosity;

This looks like "Scotinophara coarctata" which is usually easy to find on rice plants, I don't know whether the fungus and Scotinophara coarctata have a special relationship?

The mushroom that grows on the left apparently also has a kind of flea under its beautiful umbrella.

I can assure you that this is an insect, and you need to be careful to pick mushrooms when you find them growing on bushes or wherever.

Everything looks fine from the top of the mushroom, but you have to examine as much detail as possible to find the hidden little creatures.

If I don't pay attention maybe this little creature will just be missed, but thanks to my discovery today I think it can be useful for everyone and especially mushroom lovers.

discovering the Rotula Marasmius mushroom and these small black insects was an eye-opening experience, it reminded me that there are so many interesting things going on in the micro world around me that we often ignore and overlook, by taking the time to observe and learn I have managed to find a small miracle that adds to the wealth of my knowledge about mushrooms, the smallest insects and everything will be useful when the time comes, for mushroom lovers you should always check every mushroom you pick, on the surface you will see everything is fine, However, when you examine the details of the fungus you will find something that may be dangerous for your health, so take a moment to check every part of the fungus, even the smallest part, so that you are safe from everything you don't want to happen in your life.

I hope this post can inspire everyone to pay more attention to the biodiversity around them, and also discover natural wonders in places that have been considered ordinary, let's continue to learn, observe and appreciate the natural beauty around us, who know that the next discovery of unique things is behind your house, so take a moment to see the world in more detail and full of love, thank you very much for visiting my blog, see you in the next post & have a nice day:)


I can imagine your surprised face when you saw this mushroom and they were full of insects underneath. What a beautiful mushroom you have found dear friend @deadofwrite

you are right, it is a reflection that occurs instantly, this mushroom is easy to find in tropical forests with cool weather conditions under lush trees, thank you very much for commenting ☺️🙏🙏

I got to learn about something new today, I actually have bare minimum knowledge about those stuffs but every day through your researches I get the chance to increase my knowledge.


I am very happy to hear that my post is useful for you, this is really an honor for me ☺️


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@ayamihaya(4/5) tipped @deadofwrite

oh that is just so cool. mushrooms are very interesting creatures straddling between plants and animals. it must also be fun having a wide area to search in.

Yeah your right ☺️☺️🙏🙏

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