Amanita vaginata

in FungiFridaylast month (edited)

when A. vaginata is wet it is pure eye candy

glistening soft and moist, so tempting! when i find one like this i just can't wait to get that delectable taste on my tongue

but you must learn to avoid being in a hurry. take it nice and slow. you need to warm them up for at least 15 minutes before putting in your mouth

even when dry they sure are a sight to behold

lying wide open on the forest floor like this

hats off to Amanita vaginata

but let me warn you- don't mess with these unless you know what you are doing

make sure you get a good look at that vulva they are so famous for

because there are fakes out there that you would surely regret getting to know. (i.e., know in the biblical sense)

again, to avoid any undesired complications check out that vulva before proceeding. if there isn't one and things get carried away you might regret getting yourself into some deep shit

and another thing, if you've had too many of these you are bound to feel a bit sluggish for a while.

no worries though. you'll be back for more in no time

this has been my contribution to #Fungifriday by @ewkaw but
folks please forgive me i have misled you. all the above photos i took with my S22 are actually not of A. vaginita. that name just seemed to fit so well.

they are actually A. fulva, fulva being latin for vulva. in my eyes they are the exact same thing, a european version with a slightly different coloration. i do hope you'll understand. it's just that i haven't had any since last august and it being springtime and all my hopes are getting too hard to conceal


Can you really eat that without maybe warming or frying it?

not to be consumed raw. to be 100% sure this must be heated at least 15 minutes

Well the name on it's own is pretty tasty 😋. Yet I'm always impressed with the skill to identify if their edible. Though I bet they are pretty tasty.

the young ones taste best !LOLZ

Good afternoon dear friend @eolianpariah2 how are you?
It is incredible how these mushrooms look when they are covered in moisture, their shine is truly incredible.
I didn't know these were edible.
have a great afternoon

most amanitas are not generally considered edible but these are an exception. still to be sure they should be cooked for 15 minutes. i have eaten them many times but in small amounts

ha, ok. thank you so much

Hello @eolianpariah2
What beautiful mushrooms you have found, your photographs are beautiful
I really appreciate the recommendations.

thanks so much

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thanks. your support is greatly appreciated

You do make me laugh! Great photos, though.

thanks a lot. all in good fun.

Sure that mushy you found is attractively glistening. Must be a slimy to eat it? I have not encountered one myself, maybe similar to a honey mushroom? Interesting. And thank you for sharing, amazing how they name these shrooms. Haha. Have a lovely day. ☺️

like honey mushrooms they need to be properly cooked but they are not slimy Regarding the scientific names, i think the guys who decided on these things spent most of their time searching in forests and only rarely got lucky