Fun mushroom hunt with friends (Es-Eng )

in FungiFriday2 years ago
No se imaginan la alegría que tengo al momento de hacer este post, me encanta esta hermosa¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Poco a poco voy completando mis participaciones en las diferentes comunidades; Los días lunes cacería de sombras, martes dar a conocer las edificaciones de mi ciudad, miércoles mis caminatas, los jueves amigos emplumados y los viernes se ha convertido en mi día favorito porque es cuando doy a conocer nuestros encuentros de hongos. Feliz de poder estar acompañando a nuestro amigo @ewkaw en su hermosa iniciativa¨:  La consigna de esta semana es muy divertida, debemos encontrar hongos en compañía de amigos; En esta oportunidad hemos encontrado tres hermosas variedades, cada una de ellas tienen su propio encanto

Source: Family Álbum

You can't imagine the joy I have when making this post, I love this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Little by little I am completing my participation in the different communities; On Mondays I shadow hunt, Tuesdays I present the buildings of my city, Wednesdays my walks, Thursdays my feathered friends and Fridays have become my favorite day because that is when I present our mushroom encounters. Happy to be accompanying our friend @ewkaw in his beautiful initiative ¨:  This week's slogan is very funny, we must find mushrooms in the company of friends; In this opportunity we have found three beautiful varieties, each of them has its own charm

La búsqueda de esta semana la hicimos en el enorme predio que está cerca de casa; Después de tantos días de lluvia no sudamos un solo segundo en ir hasta allí, si de encontrar hongos se trata, este es el mejor lugar. Este hongo es el más hermoso que habita en esta zona, en otros post ya les había enseñado, solo que en esta oportunidad están acompañados de pequeños seres, creo que se trata de pequeños pulgones. El hongo que más me gusta, es el que se hizo de amigo a la hierba y abrazo su larga hoja

Source: Family Álbum

This week's search was done in the huge field that is close to home; After so many days of rain we didn't sweat for a single second going there, if it's about finding mushrooms, this is the best place. This fungus is the most beautiful that lives in this area, in other posts I had already taught you, only this time they are accompanied by small beings, I think they are small aphids. The mushroom that I like the most is the one that made friends with the grass and hugged its long leaf

Otro hongo que llamo poderosamente nuestra atención fue este, no por su apariencia, sino por la compañía, quien querría tener a una serpiente por amigo. Quiero hacer una aclaración, esta serpiente la encontramos en el lugar muerta, no es que la hayamos matado para hacer las tomas fotográficas, sin ven detenidamente sus ojos, verán que indica que lleva un tiempo muerta

Source: Family Álbum

Another mushroom that powerfully called our attention was this one, not because of its appearance, but because of the company, who would want to have a snake for a friend. I want to make a clarification, we found this snake dead in the place, it is not that we have killed it to take the photographic shots, without looking carefully at its eyes, you will see that it indicates that it has been dead for a while

Esta es una hermosa especie de hongo, me gusta mucho su apariencia, si no tuviera de amigo a un mosquito, quizás la llevaría a casa para preparar un exquisito plato; Este se ve muy carnoso y apetecible, su apariencia de pan de hamburguesa con sésamo me hace pensar en cómo sería su sabor

Source: Family Álbum

This is a beautiful species of fungus, I really like its appearance, if I didn't have a mosquito as a friend, maybe I would take it home to prepare an exquisite dish; This one looks very meaty and appetizing, its sesame hamburger bun appearance makes me think of what it would taste like

Como saben me gusta hacer la búsqueda de hongos en familia; En esta ocasión me acompaño mi esposa Gabriela, mi nieta Abigail y mi hijo Ramiro, fueron ellos los que hallaron las mayoría de los hongos, yo solo halle lo más hermosos que vemos en la portada. Esta última variedad fue hallada por mi nieta, como el hongo estaba solo y triste, Abigail presto a sus ponys para que les hiciera compañía, no hace falta mencionar que en pocos minutos se inició una bella amistad

Source: Family Álbum

As you know, I like to do the mushroom hunt as a family; On this occasion I was accompanied by my wife Gabriela, my granddaughter Abigail and my son Ramiro, they were the ones who found most of the mushrooms, I only found the most beautiful that we see on the cover. This last variety was found by my granddaughter, as the mushroom was lonely and sad, Abigail lent her ponies to keep them company, it goes without saying that in a few minutes a beautiful friendship began

Este es otro ejemplar que de ser comestible prepararía una exquisita receta, su apariencia limpia, carnosa y blanca me invita a comer; Las imágenes que pueden apreciar las tomamos con una cámara ¨nikkoncolplixd500¨ En un gran predio de la ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Corrientes¨¨Argentina¨

Source: Family Álbum

This is another specimen that, if it were edible, would prepare an exquisite recipe. Its clean, fleshy and white appearance invites me to eat; The images you can see were taken with a ¨nikkoncolplixd500¨ camera in a large property in the ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Corrientes¨¨Argentina¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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The mushrooms have some interesting friends @jlufer
Like the little pony 😎
Beautiful captures 😊

Hello dear friend @littlebee4 good afternoon
Yes, that was my granddaughter's occurrence; she always accompanies us in the searches
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit.
have a beautiful weekend

Hello @jlufer good night 😉

That’s cute that she comes along. I had ponies like that in my childhood, it brought back memories. 😎
Thank you so much my friend.
And you and yours too 👋🏻😊☀️

the way you explain about all the mushrooms is very detailed, especially the one with the dead snake, what an amazing mushroom discovery.

how are you dear friend @neoseven good afternoon thank you very much for appreciating my writing, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend that you enjoy it a lot

You're welcome @jlufer


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El equipo de curación del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA

how are you dear friends @entropia good night
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
have a beautiful weekend

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Hello dear friends; Good evening
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my post. It's a huge motivation
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night

hello dear friend @mirz good night
Yes, this creature is very intimidating,
I appreciate this pleasant visit
enjoy the weekend