FungiFriday: Do You See My Colored Umbrella?

in FungiFriday2 years ago


This post My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw.

Hello dear friend....

Looks like today I have a story about this mushroom, and I hope you agree with me again on my weekly post?

Today I went alone among the dry grass because the heat had not provided drops of water for the earth for some time. And wild plants where increasingly challenged by a fungus that lives every day with the bulk and also the steadfast moisture and brittle and dead wood.

While talking to myself...."Mushrooms look", and for some time I was tracing a bush 50 centimeters in diameter, and I saw the beauty above the ground, like mushrooms celebrating going somewhere, and I thought of the beach.....

Mushrooms that are scattered by grouping apart like an umbrella standing upright on the beach, some of which are close together and also have some very beautiful and beautiful natural colors, I am very happy when I see this miracle, and I can display this "Umbrella Wild" mushroom.

And there is something that looks broken by itself, a white toadstool that is growing above the ground and it's very ironic for this beautiful and amazing natural masterpiece.


And there is a mixed color of white, gray, black, and like a dark red seen between the 4 four for the adjacent mushrooms.


And the little cream colored one also has a very beautiful feel there, I almost forgot about some of the shooting sessions that I wanted to capture for this weekly posting gallery, but I was forgotten and had to repeat a few more sessions and the difficulty of this mushroom-covered soil was very sticky and I was affected by the clay sticking to my fingers while holding the smartphone in contact with the ground.











And you can see a mushroom that fell on the side of another mushroom that was between two mushrooms and one looks like a tree that was hit by a hurricane that is already parallel to the ground, and doesn't rise up like the others, which are still standing upright like an umbrella giving shelter to people. - people on the beach.

What do you think, are these mushrooms that I have, exactly as I described or maybe you are better at giving me specific clarity for scientific writing or a bedtime story

That's my offering on this occasion, I hope you like it and are a little entertained to see the mushrooms that I have. Thank you for visiting and reading this blog.

I'm very happy if you give or leave a little message for me in the comments of my post.

ObjeckMushrooms umbrella
CameraSmartphone Oppo A12 and Macro lans
Writerby @lingkar-photo


Let's Always Have Fun With Wild Nature


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Hello @rozku, thanks for stopping by and leaving this beautiful voice on my blog in my mushroom post.

Such a beautiful mushroom, has it been broken before?

Yes that's right? it's because nature destroys it, if people intervene, it will look very bad.

wow this toadstool looks really cool and you took this picture very well with very detailed shots.

Thank you for this very good comment, and this I'm just learning, too many shortcomings there, but you are very generous to give me a little motivation for this. thank you brother @ridor5301

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