FungiFriday : Springy

in FungiFriday2 years ago

My nomination for Fungifriday by @ewkaw

Soft mushroom umbrellas are usually found during the rainy season and the weather is cool, a collection of mushrooms grows at certain times, namely in the prolonged rainy season.

Today I have a lot of cool mushrooms, actually I have been saving this for a long time, last week of the rainy season I found a lot of mushrooms, my disk card is full of various pictures of mushrooms I keep. :)

I like collecting unique objects like mushrooms and some other bokeh shots, rainy season is a good time to collect mushroom images, some of these mushrooms are edible and so on are toxic.











TopicFungi Friday

hello dear friend @opick good afternoon
what beautiful shots you have been able to make of these beautiful varieties of mushroom that you have found, I appreciate that you showed us
have a beautiful afternoon

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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