Fungi Friday - Some UFOs

in FungiFriday2 years ago

Here are some strange unidentified fungal organisms for #fungifriday by @ewkaw

This first one is a slug eating a rotting honey mushroom. Here you can actually see its little slug lip teeth and some slime gooing around next to its right eye.

Here is a strange one. If I had to guess this one is some kind of milk cap that has degraded into a collapsing structure.

This one appears to be some kind of brittlegill... But I've never seen a white one, there is the possibility it is getting attacked by a white mold causing some white bits to drop around the edges.

This poor bolete is a bit unidentifiable because of its rotted state. The slug is still loving it. There seemed to be some blue green staining on the stem so odds are it is one of those boletes you have to parboil to remove toxins from if you want to eat it.

Here is some kind of hoof fungus that fell off a birch tree.

On the underside it had some white mycelium growing. I'm not sure if this is still the hoof fungus' mycelium or some other fungi starting to grow on it.

High up in the tree I can see three different types of polypores. There are definitely birch polypores, some tinder conks and then probably some artists conks. This poor tree will be eaten up entirely by shelf fungi soon.

Now for some rusty LBMs.

The most unique part of them was their pinning state. They seem to start out spiky then their caps open to a fuzzy copper state. So far I haven't had any luck identifying these ones as most guides rarely show the pinning state and in their full grown state they look like a typical LBM (little brown mushroom).

That's all for now, time for more hours of researching what these guys could be lol. Happy #fungifriday :-)


A very detailed description of each photograph you exhibit.


Thanks for looking and reading too :-)

I'm fascinated by those spiky guys, I've never seen that before

Neither have I. The only thing that resembles them are puffball mushrooms but those are much larger.

Spikey mushroom photo is so interesting. And close up of slug. Funny we both have a picture of birch polypores looking up the tree in our posts today. Its a great photo 😁

I was reading that chaga mushrooms are a combination of birch polypore and another fungi that turns them crumbled and charcoaly. I've only seen chaga a few times out in the wild up north in Wisconsin.

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Great photographs, and very good review of these organisms.

Thanks for looking :-)

You're welcome @sketch.and.jam. Really, beautiful photos. Greetings.

a !PIZZA for your mushroom foray

This pizza would be a bit tough using these kinds of mushrooms. Perhaps the polypores could be ground into powder and used in the flour of the crust somehow lol.

This pizza would be a bit tough using these kinds of mushrooms.

haha, yes! exactly so. I did not think about that, pardon me xD
maybe some !BEER will help to make them more chew-able? 😁😁😜

Hey @sketch.and.jam, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.


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Please vote for pizza.witness!

Interesting mushrooms.

The spiky ones are something I've never seen before.

Yeah, that's pretty awesome.

They look like good handles to use to try and climb up.