Macro Capture: Before Harvesting the Ignite X Ignite (English/Spanish)


I could not miss the macro-capture of the Ignite x Ignite, as usual in recent years, I always get a little closer to the flowers with macro shots that not only make us discover the incredible world of plants, but also these photos are valuable because they help me to know when to cut.

When I see that the trichomes are milky and already have a few or some of amber color is the time to cut, also I am also often guided by the pistils then it is a combination of the appearance of the trichomes and pistils and this certainly make the cut as accurate as possible, because the vision supported by technology does not fail.



I was going to post on this topic next week, but I decided to do it today to follow the sequence of the topic I'm taking and next week to dedicate myself specifically to another aspect.

As you can notice in these 2 samples we can perceive the status of the trichomes and how they look in general, these close-ups are brutal and have made me learn a lot about the plants.

There are many details that we can perceive through the organic chemistry that plants generate and this becomes more intense when we begin to test our genetics because the plant becomes part of our molecular structure through all its effects and unique characteristics of each plant.



For me it is a pleasure to write and leave my mark through all the experiences, experiences and experiments that I can do with cannabis, in addition to the patience that shapes the character of all of us who grow.

Sharing all this is vital for future generations and for the community in specific, since through the blockchain in which we insert ourselves with the use of Web3 technology as pioneers of this whole movement, I remember when I started my first digital blog a few years ago but that story I will leave for another publication to make more emphasis on the details, for now we celebrate nature and every day we can breathe, enjoy and grow.

Photos by agcoeficiente10

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Macro Captura: Antes de Cosechar la Ignite X Ignite

No podía falta la macro-captura de la Ignite x Ignite, como de costumbre de los últimos años, siempre suelo acercarme un poco más a las flores con las tomas macro que no solo nos hacen descubrir el increíble mundo de las plantas, sino que también estas fotos son valiosas porque me ayudan a saber cuando cortar.

Cuando veo que los tricomas estan lechosos y ya tienen unos cuantos o algunos de color ambar es el momento de cortar, ademas tambien suelo guiarme por los pistilos entonces es una combinacion de la apariencia de los tricomas y los pistilos y esto sin duda alguna hacen que el corte sea lo mas exacto posible, porque la vision apoyada por la tecnologia no falla.

Iba a publicar sobre este tema la semana que viene, pero decidí hacerlo hoy para seguir la secuencia del tema que llevo y la semana que viene dedicarme especificamente a otro aspecto.

Como pueden notar en estas 2 muestras podemos percibir el status de los tricomas y como se ven en general, estos acercamientos son brutales y me han hecho aprender mucho sobre las plantas.

Son muchos los detalles que podemos percibir a través de la química orgánica que generan las plantas y esto se vuelve más intenso cuando comenzamos a testear nuestras genéticas porque la planta se convierte en parte de nuestra estructura molecular a través de todos sus efectos y características únicas de cada planta.

Para mi es un placer escribir y dejar huella a través de todas las vivencias, experiencias y experimentos que puedo realizar con el cannabis, además de la paciencia que nos moldea el carácter a todos los que cultivamos.

Compartir todo esto es vital para las generaciones futuras y para la comunidad en específico, ya que a través del blockchain en el que nos insertamos con el uso de la tecnología Web3 como pioneros de todo este movimiento, recuerdo cuando comencé mi primer blog digital hace algunos años pero esa historia la dejaré para otra publicación para hacer más hincapié en los detalles, por lo pronto celebramos la naturaleza y cada dia que podemos respirar, disfrutar y cultivar.

Fotos por agcoeficiente10

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Awesome shots.. nicely done.

Thanks @inthenow if I look for a way to make that dive with my old Canon camera, although I know that with a more updated camera I could even capture more powerful macros, but I have some sentimentality for my old camera that has accompanied me for a long time, but as I improve my finances I will try to buy new equipment to do a better job in that aspect, I appreciate the support that you in the community are giving me.

Your macros always look good. So any plans to grow during your winter?

Hi @canna-curate thank you, yes I do some emphasis on macros, as far as my old Canon camera allows me, specifically what growth plan do you mean? right now I have several projects and each of them allows me to grow, I also have to renew my equipment and that will definitely make me grow much more because I can do the work with more comfort without obstacles and resolve