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RE: Dried Cannabis [ENG-ESP] Cannabis seco

I couldn't believe what I saw, I thought either some contaminant was poured on it or it was a tremendous oversight. I would not give up my plants unless it was strictly necessary, but first I would find someone who really wanted them and donate them to them.

The opposite has happened to me, when I have plants I give them all the care I can get, besides I can't even over-fertilize them, because as I grow everything organically it's hard to overdo it. The truth is that I avoid that panorama of death with my plants with everything I have that happens, the mentality is that they complete all their cycles and processes in a decent or successful way.


I would have liked nothing more than to give them, but it is not very easy in my country, I have no vehicle and no one could come to pick them up. I offered them everywhere, no luck. They definitely fell into neglect and this is what I found months later. Anyway, it's all experience that will give me better prospects in the future. When I started this germination, I had almost 30 units, I always knew that some would be forgotten. Greetings, have a nice day!