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RE: Happy 420!

in Canna-Curate2 months ago

I was surprised at how thorough it was, and a bit daunted, but I think I did as well as any one else there, and much better than most. My prepared song went great. Thank god he didn't check my range (like he did others), because I can't sing the character's range. Yet. I'm working on it. The sides were lame and I couldn't do anything with the one I was given, the baker's wife. I hope I'll be cast as the witch, I don't think anyone else there came close to me, but ya never know what the directors are thinking (there were three of those), and that part might already be cast. Thanks for asking! I've been dying to talk about it.


That's awesome! It sounds like it went very well, and I have a feeling you will be selected for the role that you want to play! The witch aye? I'd love to watch you act that role out! :D